I bought one pack cause I’m up over 450k in stubs and pulled Mookie and quit while I was ahead lol I usually NEVER buy packs

@samguenther1987_PSN said in S2: 99 bosses haven been discovered:
@dmc04005_PSN said in S2: 99 bosses haven been discovered:
I’m a solid grind day away from being on the cusp of a boss this weekend depending on what I grind tomorrow.
If i can ask, how did you do it? I've completed all the conquest maps, and programs and only at 260XP, Not sure now other then playing the CPU to accumulate XP.
Download a roster of 99”s and the rest being 0 over alls. Play at a custom stadium on rookie and hit nothing but bombs. I can easily rack up 22-25k a game with one game I accumulated 34k XP. Takes about 45-50 mins and it’s mind numbing but that’s what I do on double XP weekends.
I’m currently at 305k. I got 60K from the head start program and the rest of the XP I got from gameplay only. I haven’t even touched any of the programs yet.
I was getting 25k-31k each game. I downloaded a roster of all 99”s and played against a 0 overall team on home run derby stadium. This is regular exhibition game so I wasn’t getting any XP towards my players.
I got a great head star cause with all the programs I can now focus on I figure I’ll be at 500-600k by the end of the week with so many XP left to get from the programs. Im really just trying to unlock the wildcard #2 than I won’t grind as much any more. What about you guys? How did ya fare during double XP weekend?
@cokekoe said in Hot 800 rating for 1st time ever!!:
@H-TOWN713-X1HQX I started in season 2 of mlb 23 and I’ve already hit 1000 rating lmao
Dam congrats I here I am proud of myself for hitting 800 lmao
Started playing MLB the show 21 and today is the first time I hit 800 rating after I won a 6-5 nail biter. I’ve never thought I’d make it this high cause I hate playing on legend but forced myself to get gud as people say lol. I’m sure I’ll get rocked by someone in the 900+ rating soon to bring me back to reality but in the meantime cheers
Ahhh alright found my answer then I appreciate it it fellas!!
I’ haven’t touched any of the programs like season awards since drop 7 abd also this new Byron Buxton program I don’t plan on really completing them til season 2 drops. I already got the 3 bosses so I’m thinking I’ll save them and start on them once season 2 starts.
My question is will the XP earned for completing them carry over for for season 2. If that’s the case ima have a big head start on accumulating XP once the new season drops.
It’s a known glitch I’ve seen a couple of times. I’ve never had it happen against me but I’ve seen videos of it. It’s not just Kerry woods and no one knows what truly activates that glitch.
I’d be hella pissed is that happened against me though lol
Just had the most frustrating game of my life. The dude I played couldn’t touch a fastball. I had more hits, struck him out 14 times and I struck out 3 times, I had 6 perfect perfect hits and 2 of them went for a double play, and another perfect perfect hit went for a line out. In total I had 3 double plays on me. I lost 2-0 and the home run he hit was a very late hit but yet he had a home run off of it.
I really feel like I had a good game batting but I just couldn’t get nothing going. Every “good” timing swing with me getting good pci on it just went for w fly out or ground ball. I”d honestly say I had at least 30+ good timing swings but with nothing to show for it. Yet my opponent had late, very late swings and he still won.
Okay rant over just a frustrating game to say the least
@RetroGZY said in Does Xbox cable matter?:
The stock cable is optimized
What do you mean by that? I have a monitor and it supports 120 hertz?
Bump anybody know?
I’m playing on a monitor with precision rings and control freaks to help me in the game but I’m just wondering does the cable that connects from the Xbox to the monitor make a difference?
I have the stock cable that comes with the Xbox and I’m looking at Amazon they have some good deals for cables to optimize speed. My question is does it make a difference? I’m not an A.I guru so any input is greatly appreciated!!
I got a tier 3 Santana boost + tier 2 Kershaw boost in one of my lineups. It’s turns guys like John Donaldson, Randy, and DeGrom even more filthier + switch hitting boost tier 3 a cross the board. This might be the most OP squad imo.
I also have a tier 3 Suzuki + tier 3 Senga boost combined which makes Otahni and Senga have +25 in H/9, +20 BB/9, and also +15 to K/9 and clutch which turns them into some of the best pitchers in the game with those boosts.
I also got a Yankees Don Mattingly and Whitey Ford tier 3 boosts and just got Andy Pettitte who so far has been my best pitcher hands down cause I’ve been able to dot every pitch with him. Granted I’ve only played 2 games with him ranked but his giving up 3 hits in those two games with an era of 1.42.
It’s been really fun for me building out and trying different teams/ players which in years past I didn’t do.
@Official__LoKii said in Captain Boost:
@x814xmafia go to show zone.gg they have a captains page and it list everyone who fits that boost
What he said by
It it’s showzone.gg -
Just got Rollins should have Walker by tomorrow.
@Dolenz64 said in If your having trouble getting XP fast…:
@RushKing766998 said in If your having trouble getting XP fast…:
So, you only play 2 games a day?
And about 5 innings of the second game will be wasted as you would hit the cap after 3 to 4 innings.
What he said a game and a half basically.
Download a roster full of 99”s with the rest of the opposing team being 1 ovrs. Pick the 99 team and play against them on rookie mode in a custom stadium.
I got a little over 11k XP points last night in one game that took me about 45 mins to complete. It’s a boring way cause you’re not getting XP towards your dynasty squad but helps out when you don’t have much time to play that day. I hit my XP cap with a little over an hour.
Make sure to put fast play and also quick count on so you don’t have to pitch much and don’t have to see many pitches as well.
@Pergo said in Another huge content day!!:
@hoosfirst said in Another huge content day!!:
It will be a great 3 hours until I hit the xp cap.
How are you hitting the XP cap in 3 hours? What modes? I play for at least a few hours each day and I've never hit it once. What am I doing wrong to not gain so much XP?
I hit 11k XP in one game yesterday. Download a roster that’s has 99 one team and 0 overall on the opposing team and play in a custom stadium and light up the score board. It’s a scummy boring way cause it’s offline but I do it when I don’t have much time to play for the day and just wanna get XP.
Took me about 45-55 mins to get 11k XP and reached my limit working the next game than just quit after that.
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in Where can you get Rupert or GreenLee field from?:
Negro Leagues Storylines. You get choice packs in all of them
Ohhh alright thank you!
They’re not in the store and just wondering where can we get these from?
S2: 99 bosses haven been discovered
How much XP did you accumulate during couple XP weekend?
Hot 800 rating for 1st time ever!!
Hot 800 rating for 1st time ever!!
Will these XP program rewards carry over to S2?
Will these XP program rewards carry over to S2?
K.Woods pitches coming from where his LH would be if he was a LH pitcher but his motion was still RH.
Sometimes the game just wants you to lose smh
Does Xbox cable matter?
Does Xbox cable matter?
Does Xbox cable matter?
These new captains are really fun and somewhat OP..
Captain Boost
Anyone get their first boss yet?
If your having trouble getting XP fast…
If your having trouble getting XP fast…
Another huge content day!!
Where can you get Rupert or GreenLee field from?
Where can you get Rupert or GreenLee field from?