Those items were only available when the all star game festivities were taking place. They are all no sell items so unfortunately you can’t get them now.
@PriorFir4383355_XBL Thanks!
@Frankdatruetank_XBL Thanks!
Stubs do serve a good purpose in rtts if you want to purchase certain equipment rather that wait and hope to get what you want. Equipment packs are random and don’t tend to have a lot of diamond level equipment. SDS randomly does 1/2 off stub sales and you can get a better deal. I usually buy the 150,000, get the equipment I need and then just use equipment packs after that. If I were you I would see what equipment you want and, add it up and then buy stubs accordingly. Just know up front you can’t buy Nike equipment this year.
This may be a dumb question, but does the computer randomly determine if you make an error or is it something you may have done? Just wondering because at times it seems I’m perfectly placed to get a grounder at 3rd and all of a sudden boom out of the glove. My defense says I’m an above average defender
If it’s like the actual MLB only 25% of your score, or chance to win the GG, is calculated by your stats. 75% is based on votes by the coaches of your league. I don’t know how the game calculates that 75%, but I had the same problem. The strange thing is that I only struggle to win the GG in the national league, I won 5 straight when I hit free agency and signed with an AL team.
I wish I knew, it’s happened to me a few times. In 23 it happened with Trouts cleats and the adidas. This is the 2nd pair of Adidas they’ve changed in the last month or so in 24
If it’s the Adidas, they updated them and you can’t change the color. Happened to me last night also. They’re a purplish blue and look huge
Because SDS likes playing with our emotions by giving us hope we’ll get slide mitts then destroying that hope by giving every other player them but us.
It’s happened to me twice and I was at 95 and 96 respectively. This years version just seems extremely unstable. The only way to combat it is to have multiple save files. It’s a pain but at last you only lose progress and not equipment and such.
Why am I now seeing every player on my team in RTTS with an Evoshield sliding glove, but I don’t have the ability to get one? You may see rare items on players, but all those items are available in some form or fashion. I know folks are tired of hearing about this, and I was fine when it wasn’t even an option, but it just makes no sense to me. Maybe they’re coming in a future update, would be nice to at least get some info.
Unfortunately there’s nothing to unlock, you’ll only get them through equipment packs. The thing about the equipment packs is that they’re totally random, especially all the Nike equipment. I’ve been lucky and got a couple pair, but since no one can sell or buy Nike equipment I’m just sitting on them. Your best bet is to buy the 15k equipment packs. Expensive and there’s no guarantee but that’s your best chance.
When I receive any card other than equipment cards I can’t see them in the actual game only the app. Every time I try to see them in my locker they aren’t there, but they are in the app. This is a problem because if I don’t want/need them I can’t sell immediately because the app always errors out. I can search but I shouldn’t have to. Is there a setting I need to change in game/app, or is that simply how it is? I’m playing MLB 24
No, they won’t trade you unless you make a request from your agent. Even if you ask, if you’re a good player, the chances of you getting traded are low. This being said your best chance is in your 5th/6th year of your rookie contract
I didn’t hear from my agent until before the all star break/trade deadline until year 5. The next time I heard from her was year 6 before the all star break right before my contract was up
It’s been an ongoing problem for me since MLB 23. I don’t know why it happens but for some reason whenever it does my team loses. May be a coincidence but that’s when it happens to me
They changed all the adidas cleats a couple weeks ago and replaced them with the new ones. You should have a different variation now, if not you’ll have to contact them
You’re stuck for 6 years (or get traded, which is almost impossible if you’re good), after that you’ll hit free agency. Until then just put up numbers and hope the team you want to play for offers you a deal.
I didn’t even get a call from my agent until right before the Allstar break in my 5th season.
I found them, they weren’t in my packs in the game but in the companion app
Enjoy them, hopefully I’ll be able to score a pair at some point!
Not for sell equipment
Defensive Errors
Defensive Errors
Defensive Errors
Gold Glove award formula
Wrong Color Cleats
Wrong Color Cleats
Baserunning Gear
RTTS Corrupted File
Sliding mitts
Can’t See any cards I receive in game except equipment
Trade Offers ...
Agent is non existent?
Disappearing base runners
Equipment Missing
Road to the show
Nike equipment, Mike Trout cleats and batting gloves
Nike equipment, Mike Trout cleats and batting gloves