Question, are you by chance on the Detroit Tigers? I’m asking because I started a new build and it’s working. This time I got picked by the Orioles

SDS is aware and are working on a fix. Hopefully it’ll be fixed in the next update, I’ve lost hundreds of tokens at this point myself
Unless something has changed the answer is no. The only time my position was ever changed was when I was asked to change by my manager. Once I changed I couldn’t ever go back it seemed. I was a shortstop and was asked to go to 2nd. It usually only happens in the minors (I was asked in AAA) if the position you pick is played by a star player but they still want you. Even after the shortstop at the time was traded it kept me at 2nd base. I was never positioned at SS again after the change.
Thank you both for helping them out!
San Diego is working on it now, they let us know in another thread. I’m guessing it’ll be n the next update
Yes you can. How is he same in each game but the buttons are different based on system. What you need to do is get to the log in screen. The screen with all the different games for example rtts, diamond dynasty, storylines and so on. Once there make sure you’re on the rtts tab. For the Xbox I hit X and it gives me 3 options load, start new and one other option. Hit the start new and you’ll be prompted through the steps.
I can’t help you with PlayStation or Switch buttons but I’m sure someone in the forum can.
Yes, my overall was under, I was only a 66-67 when I was called up. I think with the new system that doesn’t matter as much unless you’re playing the same position as a star player. Example is I wouldn’t expect to get called up if I was a 1st baseman for the Phils, because you’re behind Harper. Let’s say though you’re a shortstop for the Tigers (my RTTS player). He may have a higher OVR but he’s not really a star right now. My productivity is higher so I got called up early
The only reason to spend more money on certain equipment (that have the same multiplier) is because you like it better. For example I have New Balance diamond level cleats that are 6x but they’re no better than the Adidas cleats with the same rating. People may simply like how they look better on their player or have some type of brand loyalty. You buy what you like, even if something equivalent is cheaper and looks different.
Why is it that I can get a hit on every 2 out of 5 at bats but I can’t get a single hit when it’s a challenge involving tokens? Its killing me!!
I think they changed the hitting algorithm, I’m not hitting 100 hrs a season now. I feel like I’m working to get 40-50, and for me it’s better. Feels more accurate. I think that it depends on which level you play at though.
Thank you very much!! And great job this year!! -
Unfortunately it’s not being tallied at all for me, in the game or in the totals. I’ve lost out after 3 convos, which adds up quickly. I’m estimating 50 - 75 tokens at least -
I’m a shortstop for the Tigers so it’s not position specific -
My first player was a shortstop and I focused on power, fielding and throwing. In my after high school draft I was picked #6 in the 1st round. I went to college and was the 1st overall pick (I play on rookie so that’s probably not a huge accomplishment). I played for the Vols in college and we won the college World Series.
I started as the #3 prospect but made it to #1 in about 5 games. After I got my 3 main attributes up I focused on speed, which changed me from a 3-4 hitter to the regular lead off. I think once you get speed up past power and contact the system automatically moves you to lead off. I was called up straight from AA to the MLB where I am now.
True, but they’ve made real improvements this year. At last from my point of view -
I just contacted San Diego studios through the app, hopefully it’ll speed up the bug fixing process. -
I’m on the Tigers too, maybe that’s the only team it’s happening to. -
The commentators keep calling a large number of hits as a single to right-field no matter where it’s hit or if it’s an out.
Not trying to be confrontational, but baseball is baseball. What would you like changed? I like the new system, I can control what kind of player I build. The sport though is the sport, and there’s really not much they can change. They seem to have improved the algorithms for almost everything. Hitting is more accurate (I’m not hitting 100 home runs anymore), fielding and throwing is better and base running has gotten significantly better (especially computer base running)
I agree, I also wish I could add socks and they not be displayed. I prefer the long baggy jersey pants, but whenever added it defaults to socks showing and it can’t be altered to long baggy unless I remove the socks.
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Can You Create Mutiple careers this year?
RTTS Draft Pick
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Home Runs
Not Getting 2x Tokens/points after MGR Convo
Not Getting 2x Tokens/points after MGR Convo
Not Getting 2x Tokens/points after MGR Convo
RTTS Draft Pick
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Team Uniform Defaults to Spring Training
Every Hit is a Single to Right-field
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Team Stance Socks