I love hitting so far this year, havnt enjoyed the engine this much for a couple years. Kuddos. I think though, we need to move this perfect perfect input to pitching as well. Reward me when I hit my user interface perfectly. It won’t feel as rng as it does now, it will feel more skill based which is something that should be promoted. What do you guys think?

This whole timing window thing youve been doing since 19 is weird. A fastball comes at me slow but im late on it? Plus I can practice in batting practice fine, but when i play online it's different.
I'm all for using bunts to move over a runner and get a run in a tight game, but when drags are being used to get hits on a consistent basis there's a problem. I know i can bring my 2nd baseman in halfway to protect against it; but literally every player is capable of getting a hit on a drag. I had a pitcher with 35 speed get one!
@grandchamp3500 said in Perfect/Perfect pitching is a must:
@Matt_42187 said in Perfect/Perfect pitching is a must:
@KingsCountyOG718 said in Perfect/Perfect pitching is a must:
@grandchamp3500 said in Perfect/Perfect pitching is a must:
I love hitting so far this year, havnt enjoyed the engine this much for a couple years. Kuddos. I think though, we need to move this perfect perfect input to pitching as well. Reward me when I hit my user interface perfectly. It won’t feel as rng as it does now, it will feel more skill based which is something that should be promoted. What do you guys think?
Agree somewhat..Baseball real life the best of pitchers hang one..Or be off 1 inch and that will be the difference between a ball hit hard to the track for an out over the wall More on a pitch that that is released wrong or wrong arm angle Even so a perfect pitch if guessed and sat oncan have the same result as throwing a BP pitch , or you got Ted William's or Babe Ruth type legend that ball might go a long way..Still early enough and a small sample size to think that so far. All that is just my opinion obvi
I agree with what your saying. There are people who are better at pitching than hitting, SDS should reduced the size of the PCI, create more break/movement, & up the pitch speed to even the playing field. Top 1% is going to hit, but at least give them a challenge once they reach WS.
Exactly, I used to win a lot of my games by my pitching, unfortunately I don’t feel pitching has been taken serious on a couple years, but we’re only a tuner patch away IMO
@halfbutt said in Perfect/Perfect pitching is a must:
I’d settle for good releases hitting their spots.
well of course but thats not what we're getting right now is it
yea im getting 17 vibes right now. i know alot of people didn't like 17, but i personally liked the gameplay alot. There were issues with hitting but it wasn't gamebreaking. Same with this game. Id say 20>17>19>18
I shouldn't have to have my modem hooked up right next to my ps4 to play your game. Not everyone has that luxury. Going into 18 you guys removed online franchise cause you said it would help with server stability. It did. 18 and 19 I barely got booted. This year, I probably have around 20 losses on my record from this network error bs. What changed from last year to this year with the servers? If you can't fix the network errors, can you atleast void the games? I shouldn't have to hold my breath every time I play online.
i dont get why someone has to get a loss for it, its not like i quit out of the game. they should just void network error games, at least that would take the sting away a little bit
no more network errors
Omg whatever will we do! How can we go on without the right compression sleeves!?!?!
Just played 3 games tonight after 6pm and won them but it says I have no wins
Yea, I had 4 network errors in a row last night and 2 in a row today. Luckily I don’t play battle royale or I’d be more heated
they really should just not count network error losses as a win or a loss until it gets figured out. literally the only online game ive ever played where i have these types of problems
I use racing mode
@samguenther1987 said in Nice try Ramone:
It's actually an 11th inning reward at like 900/10000 stars or something. I'm working towards it. Same as the fireworks bat and nameplate.
Oh nice! I didn’t know that, thanks!
Perfect/Perfect pitching is a must
Can you just make pitch speeds 16 speed
Drag bunts are being abused and need to be looked at
Perfect/Perfect pitching is a must
Perfect/Perfect pitching is a must
This game is so much better than 19 and 18
Network errors
Constant “Network Error” is killing this game for me
What are you expectations for MLB The Show 21 PS5 version
SDS - POTM Didi Needs Under Armour Compression Sleeves Changed to Nike.
Ranked wins not counting
Network Errors
Disconnecting from the show servers all year?
Asus monitor question
Nice try Ramone