two he says...lmao.

dead game. sds doing bare minimum. won't be buying for first time in over a decade.
if lightning is anyone but Chapman it's a huge miss...
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in This game won’t last:
I'm not a fan of this. Live Series cards are nothing more than filler. Unless they are SuperCharged.
92 Diamond Captains are already outclassed by these ridiculous WBC cards. Why do I need to grind for them?
It's turned Diamond Dynasty, for anyone who plays online, into a battle of lineups full of 99s.
80% of the cards I see in Ranked games are the OP'd WBC cards. Mix in some of the 97s and 99s here and there. And the occasional SuperCharged Live Series cards.
Every team has Trout or Ohtani...or both.
The new two-way player nonsense has made Ohtani a reliever and a closer too. Starter - Ohtani - closer. That's what I see 80% of the time in Ranked.
If this is the way they are taking the mode, then they need some type of CAPPED mode. Like Battle Royale, but instead of drafting, you have a CAP to use for your lineup and you can use cards in your collection. 9 inning games like Ranked.
Use a cap with a certain number of Diamond/Gold/Silv/Bronze etc...or just use the ORGINAL Overall rating for the card.
26 roster spots...a team full of 99s would have a number of 2574. 99 multiplied by 26.
So set the cap number at different levels.
Do people really play this mode to just have teams full of 26 99's go against each other?!?!?!?
Shoot...calling some of these cards 99s is an understatement, when they often have 125s in multiple ratings. This has really gone off the rails.
I won't be playing much longer. And the game is basically brand new.
@mightytapir_PSN said in This game won’t last:
Anyone bored yet?
They are wondering why no one is using captain cards, it's because 95-99 cards are way to easy to get. The game has been out 3 weeks and there are over 3 pages of 99s in market, many are very cheap to buy. No one is going use captain boosts when this is the case.
you sound entitled af. you should give Anthony Bass a call.
same issue trying to play vs Kaiju, in mini classic.
@x814xmafia_psn said in Support ticket response from Playstation haha what a joke....:
I'm confused. What was the issue? Was it missing pre-order content? Was it missing stubs?
on day 1 people lost stubs in market. Canceled orders didn't return stubs to people.
sounds like a normal response...I'm still waiting on over 100k...
any update?
been over 24 hours and I'm still missing stubs. can a mod please comment in this thread with an update?
same issue
nevermind, it looks like even tho ps5 now supports 120, this game will only run at 60
didn't ps5 just update to allow 120?
@Hikes83 said in Sds does not know how to gradually release higher overall cards.:
Well to be fair, they just can’t win. If they don’t release good cards early, people complain. If they release too many good cards early, people complain
agree. I made a post on reddit about how all these high overall cards are being released to early and everyone killed me for it. people want end game cards a month in to the game apparently, I don't get it.
you forgot the free 99 kluber they gave everyone at 80 bronze, which is a joke.
this game is 10864258853x better than last year
it's great when pitchers are quick pitching.
lmao at this thread. the game is atrocious.
24's Two Major Fails
POTM for April Guesses
This game won’t last
This game won’t last
This game won’t last
Weekly Wonder
Mini Season Glitch?
Support ticket response from Playstation haha what a joke....
Support ticket response from Playstation haha what a joke....
Missing cancelled order stubs
Missing cancelled order stubs
Missing cancelled order stubs
120 FPS
120 FPS
Sds does not know how to gradually release higher overall cards.
Sds does not know how to gradually release higher overall cards.
This game is terrible
Scum out there still using R2
mlb 20 is the best show yet, prove me wrong