you forgot the free 99 kluber they gave everyone at 80 bronze, which is a joke.

I'm salty because I feel robbed of an extra 100$. the game was so much fun week 1 so I bought a bunch of extra stubs, then they completely changed the game. wtf
it's great when pitchers are quick pitching.
why did you ruin the game after a few days?!? change it back!
fix the game! get back to pre patch hitting+
you sound entitled af. you should give Anthony Bass a call.
they do this every year, patch hitting after a week and break the game.
lmao at this thread. the game is atrocious.
They are wondering why no one is using captain cards, it's because 95-99 cards are way to easy to get. The game has been out 3 weeks and there are over 3 pages of 99s in market, many are very cheap to buy. No one is going use captain boosts when this is the case.
I played this game so much pre patch and was having a blast!!! since patch I barely turn it on, lots of call of duty, unfortunately.
who cares about the game not working properly, they are putting out a Kerry wood program....disaster.
this game is 10864258853x better than last year
two he says...lmao.
Sds does not know how to gradually release higher overall cards.
Yeah I'm done
Scum out there still using R2
Pitch speeds in BR (All Star) are as fast as pitch speeds on Legend practice
Don't Act Shocked SDS Screwed 20 Up Already
Weekly Wonder
Why did you change hitting from week 1?
Broken hitting
mlb 20 is the best show yet, prove me wrong
This game won’t last
I can’t believe how bad this game is now
Game is broken again....SDS get your s**t together
This game is terrible
24's Two Major Fails