They said the droid version was out last night, but the iphone version wasn't out yet...just a matter of time

Says to DL the show companion app, but I'm only seeing options for it to work on 21 and 22
Make sure you're looking for your surname in the surname section of the list and not in the nickname section like I did the first time
When I play on the road with the Angels and it picks the alternate road jersey it sets the default cleats to white which look like [censored] with the road gray pants. Before one of you suggests that I can fix it myself by using an additional step EVERY game (I know I can. but the defaults should work correctly so that I don't have to do that additional step). Like I said, not a major issue, but an issue that annoys me and probably a few others that ended up an Angel.
once you buy a branded glove you can change it
I triple dog dare you
Just set them all on easy and play as Clark Kent
Could be worse, at least your name isn't John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt...fa la la la la la la la
Chose to go for the home run option and crushed it..opened the box and it contained a plastic slide whistle that I could have gotten for 2 tickets at Dave and Busters...wooohoo
Liking the AI in this season, but then again I haven't seen what happens in the postseason or the off-season. The off-season is typically where RTTS has pissed me off in older versions.
I got called up a week before all star break and I was destroying AA ball...position player
couldn't find my name earlier but didn't notice that the nicknames were separated from the real names and found it in the latter
well...found it...didn't notice they separated nicknames from the real bad...would have just deleted the original post but I couldn't
Seriously...a "Pud" but no "sharp/sharpe"?
probably for having a generic avatar
No matter how hard I try to cover second on a ball hit to the SS it won't let me go...I will be running and he will just suddenly throw on the brakes. Any ideas what is wrong?
I read this and expected to see a picture of my ex-wife, then I realized the C stood for bad
How do you start a toon that isn't 2 way?
Teams in real life keep a very short bench for position players, no way that my guy would sit for weeks on end without even getting a chance to train
Face scan
Face scan
My last name is missing
Shouldn't be part of any initial fixes but still should be addressed eventually
What is the glove pattern option?
Manager wants me to... steal home?
Looking For Realistic Settings
Why did you remove the last name Hightower?
Boss Challenge
Same recycled game year after year.
Is it possible to be called up to AAA before June?
My last name is missing
Name audio
Name audio
Anyone know who to email or something to see how long a ban for
2B Won't go to second to cover the double play?
Found the worst C ever...
My player gets cut from the playoff roster 2 years in a row
Dear God please fix gameplay.