Mar 24, 2023, 5:30 PM@ajw514 said in Redeem code does not work for PS5 version with Captain Edition (PLEASE HELP): It is not there. All that is available is Beta/Tech Test in the Store. to in game you have to go to the packs section. the bundle is supposedly there? if not, i dont know.
Mar 24, 2023, 5:29 PM
its an apple thing just have to wait.
Mar 24, 2023, 5:28 PM
you have to go into the store to get it i believe. i think SDS posted it somewhere.
Mar 24, 2023, 5:24 PM@EricBDatMF said in BANS?: I already explained it doesnt allow me to it just contacts ps support log into your Show account not xbox or ps.
Mar 24, 2023, 5:21 PM@Blind_Bleeder said in Physical copy earlier access: @GDogZombie said in Physical copy earlier access: @Easy_Duhz_It_ said in Physical copy earlier access: You get the game before the regular launch date, open case, insert into console and play. actually i think its codes. i could be wrong. regardless the codes are in the case lol. Not the Captain edition. It comes with a PS4 disc and a code to upgrade to the PS5 version, thus dual entitlement. You have to have the disc in the console to play. sorry i was talking Xbox. my bad.
Mar 23, 2023, 3:56 PM
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in Physical copy earlier access:
You get the game before the regular launch date, open case, insert into console and play.
actually i think its codes. i could be wrong. regardless the codes are in the case lol.
Mar 20, 2023, 1:11 PM
i bought 2 of these 1 for me and one for my son. love it.
Mar 17, 2023, 1:26 PM
Red Sox, no one, Devers should be but will be Gold to start.
Mar 9, 2023, 1:51 PM@Ericulous1 said in Just what was SDS thinking on the 99 Mays: @TEXAS10PT_PSN said in Just what was SDS thinking on the 99 Mays: Amen to you guys that noticed. I saw Mays play when I was 10 and believe me he was much better than his card in 22 showed. As you know I was convinced they would add a better Mays and Gehrig after they dropped a second 99 Clemente, Randy and of course the whole Griffey debacle. I really believe they screwed up with the multiple 99s. It was that weird 99 Griffey that was really no better than the 95 Future stars that seemed to change the rules. Bottom line, Mays’ card should always be top 5 in attributes if not number 1. if the community would have been in an uproar when he dropped, they would have changed 0 chance they fix it for 22
Mar 8, 2023, 10:43 PM
Mar 8, 2023, 7:48 PM@PAinPA said in Turn off Vibration: @GDogZombie_XBL said in Turn off Vibration: @PAinPA_PSN said in Turn off Vibration: @GDogZombie_XBL said in Turn off Vibration: So I purchased the Thrustmaster (Giggity) Xpro controller....i love it, minus, it vibrates so hard when setting up a pitch on the black, that it messes with my pinpoint motion. I've been trying to figure out for a few on if there is a way to shut off controller vibration in the game? or if i have to shut it off on my xbox? Thanks in advance There is a setting in game for vibration, and if it's anything like the PS5 there will also be console settings for it, the haptic feedback was so intense that with my arthritis it was shaking the controller right out of my hand at times,I had to lessen the intensity. as for the game I've turned off vibration in the game for years now for the same reason. dont suppose you know know where at on the settings? Gameplay settings - general - then r2/l2 for advanced, it's bottom of the list THANK YOU!
Mar 8, 2023, 4:16 PM@PAinPA said in Turn off Vibration: @GDogZombie_XBL said in Turn off Vibration: So I purchased the Thrustmaster (Giggity) Xpro controller....i love it, minus, it vibrates so hard when setting up a pitch on the black, that it messes with my pinpoint motion. I've been trying to figure out for a few on if there is a way to shut off controller vibration in the game? or if i have to shut it off on my xbox? Thanks in advance There is a setting in game for vibration, and if it's anything like the PS5 there will also be console settings for it, the haptic feedback was so intense that with my arthritis it was shaking the controller right out of my hand at times,I had to lessen the intensity. as for the game I've turned off vibration in the game for years now for the same reason. dont suppose you know know where at on the settings?
Mar 8, 2023, 3:56 PM
So I purchased the Thrustmaster (Giggity) Xpro controller....i love it, minus, it vibrates so hard when setting up a pitch on the black, that it messes with my pinpoint motion. I've been trying to figure out for a few on if there is a way to shut off controller vibration in the game? or if i have to shut it off on my xbox? Thanks in advance
Mar 8, 2023, 3:53 PM
walmart has a 24" ONN Monitor 144 hz, 1 MS (you have to turn it on and off which is nice for other games where MS doesnt matter) for 129.99
Feb 17, 2023, 3:49 PM@arvcpa_MLBTS said in I continue to do stupid things: @X-FREEZE-OFF-X said in I continue to do stupid things: Contact Playstation Support at 1-800-345-7669. Thank you for this. I called, they said "We're experiencing high call volumes, call back later or go to". Then they hung up. I'm trying the chatbot now and will let you know what happens. You can do it through I just cancelled a preorder through them it’s a chat box takes about 40 mins
Feb 15, 2023, 9:20 PM
Lol this is funny you posted this 4 hours ago….the game went live 3 hours ago. Try harder
Feb 15, 2023, 1:53 PM
I’m good with it, as long as they fix pitcher stamina. Otherwise guys like Randy and Degrom will go 9 innings 150 pitches (which is an exaggeration but you get what I’m saying)
Feb 14, 2023, 2:34 PM
Series X is the go to. Series S is the stripped down version to get it to 300$
Feb 7, 2023, 10:40 PM@SkipPractice said in Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.: Absolutely not. The show is and always will be a complete disappointment. Cut and paste, garbage as always game play. Kinda like you are to your parents? Gotcha
Jan 26, 2023, 6:42 PM
Bo Jackson and Dustin Pedroia
Redeem code does not work for PS5 version with Captain Edition (PLEASE HELP)
Companion app
Redeem code does not work for PS5 version with Captain Edition (PLEASE HELP)
Physical copy earlier access
Physical copy earlier access
Best monitor for 500 or less
How many live series diamonds do you expect your favorite team to have at release?
Just what was SDS thinking on the 99 Mays
PS5 75hz and 1ms ok???
Turn off Vibration
Turn off Vibration
Turn off Vibration
Monitor Questions
I continue to do stupid things
Shock The Game?
DH and Two Way Players
New Console
Poll - your purchase on 2/6/2023, if any.
New legends for 23