The issue is you sold a card that was used originally when you started the season. If you can remember, go buy back that card
The issue is you sold someone that was in your lineup when you started the mini-season. Try to go and buy that player(s) again.
Very simple answer
100% yes If you like him and have stubs to burn (my situation)
But probably not if you are in dire need of upgrades in other positions. -
I've also posted it here in a different section hoping they'll see it, so please leave feedback.
I also posted it here hoping they'll actually see it so please leave feedback so they know
I'm getting this error whenever tying to access any card to sell. Here is an example link.
"An error occurred!
Sorry, something went wrong.Please check the Community Forums here or report your issue here."
I've re-logged in, cleared browser, tried new browser, etc. No luck
I wonder if super low rating has anything to do with this. Maybe any team 80+ won't have this issue?
Mine bugged out on 72 Kaiju, does anyone else remember what the rating of the team was?
Maybe this is related to NOT having CAPS in mini-seasons. Maybe some of these rosters have a CAP that's screwing it up? Either way, just ALLOW US TO HAVE CAPS IN MINI SEASONS! Please
If anyone finds a way to get this to work please let me know. Thanks
@the_dragon1912 said in Why can't we use our CAP in classic Mini-Seasons?:
You should be able to use him in the "classic" mini seasons
Nope, they are not usable in the classic mini seasons
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN said in Why can't we use our CAP in classic Mini-Seasons?:
@freshnsoclean12_PSN said in Why can't we use our CAP in classic Mini-Seasons?:
Literally a buzzkill. After all the time I spent grinding my CAP, why can't I use him??
did you look in the bronzes?
of course, it's not there, others are reporting the same issue
Literally a buzzkill. After all the time I spent grinding my CAP, why can't I use him??
Still haven't gotten a legit answer
- account?
We just pick the console then gamertag?Anyone know?
Invalid Roster in Mini Seasons
You don’t have enough eligible players for the challenge in mini seasons
If you have the stubs, Is 99 Tatis worth it?
An error occur..
I can't click on players on the website.
Anyone else unable to pull up cards (or sell) on web?
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
Why can't we use our CAP in classic Mini-Seasons?
Why can't we use our CAP in classic Mini-Seasons?
Why can't we use our CAP in classic Mini-Seasons?
Why can't we use our CAP in classic Mini-Seasons?
How do you invite a friend cross-plat/gen?
How do you invite a friend cross-plat/gen?