@AdeptOfMemory im assuming he did because their taking while to respond
@QuanWavy3 they reset the servers a while ago it should be working
@Teak2112 now I'm not trying to be disrespectful in this argument at all but you kinda proved his point by replying and being against his opinion of people being anti SDS and Tbh I'm on both sides, they each have great points.
anyone up for a match on 22'??
anyone up for casual?
please thank @Victor_SDS_PSN for asking the mlbts online engineers to reset the servers
@RomanAndres1948 yes but it works now
the servers will restart at 4 am tomorrow May 23,2024 est lmk if it doesn't work
@Blind_Bleeder how did it work for you because it still wont work for me??
@shinyalee I have been talking to @Victor_SDS_PSN and he said he contacted the online engineers but havent replied
I did report this problem just in case you guys haven't
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MLB 22
Cannot Contect to MLB the Show 22 Servers
Cannot Contect to MLB the Show 22 Servers
Cannot Contect to MLB the Show 22 Servers
Cannot Contect to MLB the Show 22 Servers
Cannot Contect to MLB the Show 22 Servers
Cannot Contect to MLB the Show 22 Servers
Cannot Contect to MLB the Show 22 Servers