I'm a nurse for Covid-19 patients

“It doesn’t matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning’s winning.”
Vin Diesel
Happy birthday! I have never gotten Mike Trout. I tell my wife today is the day I pull Mike Trout. I never do. She thinks I have a crush on him or something.
I got 6 twitch packs for watching 7th inning program update, but no twitch packs for watching the recent player upgrade twitch live stream. That may be normal though.
Wow! That was intense. I saw a clip from this year that a pitcher got beaned in the head and the ball popped up and started a triple play. One in a million. I think it was up against the Showdown Boss. The player had 3 outs too! Game over. The pitcher was fine. The pitcher in this clip, ouch!
DeGrom and Bellinger
Congrats! That is awesome. I got one Twitch pack too. I was trying to get home from the hospital and caught the end. In my pack, I pulled a 68.
I can’t beat Mariano Rivera. Any tips?
Thank you. I will be more patient at the plate. I seem to be in a hurry and want to attack almost every pitch. Still trying to learn pci.
How about a hot dog map? Peanuts map? I am just hungry for a Dodgers dog and a game to attend. Anyone else?
@CCCStunna30 said in Advice on hitting 2 hrs with Yastrzemski:
@tankdriver499 switch to directional hitting if you haven’t already, move the direction to pull a flyball. Sit on pitches up and be patient. If you don’t get a hr the first ab just keep restarting till you do.
Wow! Thank you so much for this tip! I finished this mission fast with your help.
@Original_Quad said in Flash Sale incoming:
Just an FYI that there was a notification for flash sales today. The flash sales are as follows:
4 PM ET: Live Series Diamond
5: DOTP elite
6: Diamond Headliner set 11-46
7: Beach BallThank you for posting this! I bought DOTP elite and Diamond Headliner set 11-46. Waiting until I get home to open. I ran out of stubs for the Beach Ball. I did buy sig series 98 Wade Boggs for 10,000 stubs.
@Original_Quad said in Flash Sale incoming:
Maybe I shouldn’t have let anybody know... my pack luck was atrocious: Tatis, base DOTP, Mathewson, and base BB.
Sorry about that. You of all should have pulled awesome cards. Without you I wouldn’t have known as well. I bought 2 packs. I haven’t opened them yet. Later today when I get home.
I have never pulled Trout, Cole, Arenado, Verlander, Scherzer. It is starting to get old and frustrating
@PennyWiseLA25 said in Tomas Nido challenges.:
So. Helpful tip if you have a hard time on ANY hitting moment. Switch to directional, push upper left on d pad, swing power. Thank me later.
I passed it a couple of weeks ago from this method. You are a genius. Now I use directional to help me pass the tough ones.
The Nido moment was passed quickly with directional hitting.
Thank you again!
I have never pulled Mike Trout and I am so bugged by this.
@Hikes83 said in Flash sales boys:
@FISH_KIKI said in Flash sales boys:
The live series pk is too much of a gamble. I don’t have Trout. Anyone buying this pack?
Wasn’t going to but cave in and got Trout lol. No promises!
Wow! That’s awesome! Maybe I should pull the trigger? Worst case I will be out around 5,000 if I pull a base pack
@blakev03 said in SDS got me.:
I've literally lost on every flash sale stub wise so far. I expect beach ball to be no different.
Sorry Blake. I was like you and then pulled top tier on beach ball. Glad I got something
I pulled Cristian Pache from Headliners (lost stubs), lost stubs on low tier home run derby pks. I got middle tier on elite ducks(lost stubs). I did pull high tier on beach ball. I took Hornsby.
@jz2016cubs said in What do you all do for work in the real world:
@FISH_KIKI said in What do you all do for work in the real world:
I'm a nurse for Covid-19 patients
Thank you for doing what you are doing, as I know how tough that is.
Thanks jz2016cubs! I enjoy being there and helping them get back home to their families.
The job responses are well diverse. A lot of Walmart jobs. I used to work there too.
What do you all do for work in the real world
Mike Trout
I got no Twitch Drops
Pitcher hit in face by comebacker
Have you pulled any of the High Diamonds?
(Twitch) Packed a Jacob deGrom!
Showdown was super easy
Showdown was super easy
7th inning conquest map still coming?
Advice on hitting 2 hrs with Yastrzemski
Flash Sale incoming
Flash Sale incoming
Who have you never pulled in a pack?
Tomas Nido challenges.
Okay, Live series Mike Trout, how many times have you got him?
Flash sales boys
SDS got me.
Flash sale luck
What do you all do for work in the real world