Can we please get an update on the state of co-op? There are many of us that prefer co-op as their main mode of online play. We want to play with our friends against other people, but co-op is still very hit and miss on even getting into a game, and there seems to be an increased risk of the game freezing or disconnecting.
Right now, with absolutely no info from you guys, we have no idea if you are even trying to fix co-op. We don’t want this mode to die and be forgotten as it is the best addition to The Show with so much potential.
So please keep us updated on co-op, and please know that there are so many of us that want to play it and see it expand. Hopefully you guys can get it working and then build on it with co-op ranked, co-op events, etc. let us earn PXP, let us build out entire team, bench included. Make it more worth our while to play.