They used to have a notice in-game. I'm sorry, but there is no reason they still can't do that.

The better question is, why is this still happening at this point of the game cycle?
It's a little ridiculous.
Please SDS, please stop with timed innings programs. Even with Quad XP, there is very little chance of me making it to the bosses.
This will be the third one in a row I've missed out on.
Can you just stop putting a time limit on everything, please.
I know I will get swamped with, "it's so easy to get there", but it's actually not if you have a number of commitments and not a lot of time to play.
I know it won't matter to anyone, but I'm seriously considering making this my last version of the show. My time is my time, SDS, and it is valuable to me. I'm sick being timed and made to feel rushed on something that should actually just be for enjoyment.
Edit: It has been pointed out to me that this might come across as a bit whiny and that I have a sense of being cheated. I will clarify; I would simply like to be able to grind for the bosses in my time, not SDS's time, much like Team Affintiy, where you can pick and choose what you work towards at any given time.
One of the best ways to keep a guy uncomfortable, is to pound him inside.
Never fails to make me chuckle.
@mackattack000012_psn said in For the love of god fix Edward Cabrera:
I don’t want to hear from anyone on Xbox. You’ve only had the game for a few months so frankly, you don’t know anything.
Dude, I've been playing since 14. Just because someone is on Xbox, doesn't mean they have no experience with the gameplay. Btw, he's right, if you have no experience at legend, you really don't have a clue.
I'm sorry, but if you are losing to players using directional hitting, then you need to git gud. Lol
Why the sexist title? It's 2021, dude.
Funny thing is, Collin was on here answering questions about tv's and monitors. Not a peep about servers.
Honestly, though, I just want to be able to play the game when I actually have time.
No hate on any of the mods, but some communication would be nice.
@phillydave35_psn said in Can someone please explain how…:
@doc_dubs__psn said in Can someone please explain how…:
Going on five hours straight when the servers aren’t “technically” down and I am still unable to get into DD a single time?
It might be an area problem with the storm coming through the southeastern part of the country.
That would make sense if I wasn't in Australia.
Sweet Jesus, Kieran. I thought you said you were studying and getting a life?
I only have a question about the inner and outer pci. I'm under the assumption that the inner pci is the contact point and that the outer pci represents the actual vision of the batter up at the time? Been playing since 14, so I may just be ill informed, but that's where I'm at, which actually leads me to the real questions:
How can someone, including myself, hit a no doubt home run when the ball is not even in the contact point of the pci? Secondly, if someone fouls off a pitch which is actually out of the vision section of the pci, how can this happen? They clearly didn't see the ball properly.
Is the swing feedback that we are seeing on the screen actually correct, or is it wrong? Is it just a guesstimate?
WAR is a measurement of data in a particular time frame and against particular competition. I'm not disparaging Ruth, absolute legend, but he would not be producing those numbers today like he was back then. Maybe if he knew how to train, employed proper nutrition and conditioning, he would post decent numbers in today's league, but not the 1920's version of him.
Lets point out the obvious here, the competition is different. No colour barriers were broken in Ruth's time, players didn't know about the things I mentioned above, and if they did, they didn't put much stock in it. The depth today is far superior to then, the competition is broader, diverse and incredibly skilled and physically conditioned in most cases. It's simply a lager pool of talent to choose from, and hence, far more skilled because if it.
To belittle what Ohtani is doing this year, or compare him to Ruth, is mind boggling to say the least. If I had the choice of using a time machine and grabbing Babe Ruth, as is from the 1920's as he was, and make a choice between him and Ohtani in this day's league, I would take Ohtani every day.
You would be a fool to say otherwise.
@collin_sds_psn said in LG OLED for gaming?:
LG C1 is excellent! Also four HDMI 2.1 ports for very future proof.
Monitors are nice but no reason to get anything over 120Hz as no console will support anything higher than that. Having a 144Hz monitor with a console that outputs at 60Hz won't make it the game any faster...
Add that 4k 120Hz monitors are $$$$.
While your answering questions, when are the servers going to be back online?
I Uninstalled and then reinstalled and that worked for me.
@locutusofburg said in Time for everyone to check our network connections:
@hoboadam_psn said in Time for everyone to check our network connections:
There's my buddy. The kid that has nothing else to say except shill shill shill shill.
Now only if he had any idea that there are people that really just don't care about what he writes. People are aware that when you want a job, you usually go to a website, fill out an email expressing interest and hope that an application and interview come after that.
Maybe one day when he's a big boy, he too can get a job. Maybe he'll get a job at a bank doing foreign currency exchanges and develop his own Crypto currency called Shill
Keep shilling.
And funny, you said you blocked me but here you are, reading what I write.
You’re a fanboy, at least admit ramone is your daddy.
At this point I'm convinced that this guy is the actual shill and is sent to rile everybody up to the point that they get themselves banned. There, I said it you dirty SDS shill.
More importantly, that means you have Trevor!
Nice try, Ramone. Not falling for it.
Anything that sort of comes out of the hand in an upwards motion, is a breaking ball and fastballs come out flat.
The only outlier here is the sinker, it acts like a breaking ball out of the hand but has the speed of a fastball. That's why it is still so over powered.
Hands down the best thread this year. Dickey-do. Wtf lol
Judge not, that ye be not judged.
Brilliant, server maintenance just as am in the middle of opening my pack to choose 2 diamond players. Thanks alot GUYS, you owe me .
Servers and WS
This Will be the Third Boss I've Missed
Things I’ve learned.
For the love of god fix Edward Cabrera
Why directional is trash for online...
Lol. What a little girl.
Can someone please explain how…
Can someone please explain how…
Done TA3!
Number of questions about DD mechanics
Ohtani's "Greatest Season Ever"
LG OLED for gaming?
Time for everyone to check our network connections
I've landed the big fish, which means...
Packs are hot!
Picking up pitches
Why is The Show so bad online on PS5?
Big Stub sell don't miss it