The challenges ruin the verisimilitude of the game. For god's sake, give us the ability to disable them!!

We are not talking about the same things. I already have showtime opportunities turned off. I'm talking about the dynamic challenges that appear randomly before various at-bats and pitching sequences.
Verisimilitude is actually not that uncommon of a word in the English language.
As long as we're talking about bugs, here's another issue I know you're aware of, as I've found threads about it going back to April, but ... multiple loadouts. You can't have them and earn XP towards higher-level archetypes.
And, if by some accident, you create a multiple loadout (you know, because the game developers provided the functionality and you naively thought you'd be able to avail yourself of it), the only way to fix the problem is by playing an inning of the slower-than-molasses-in-January Diamond Dynasty.
Again, this should be a pretty easy fix. Look, if you want players to play Diamond Dynasty and not Road to the Show, fine -- just get rid of RTTS and be done with it. You apparently aren't aware that DD sucks, but that's fine, as it's your game.
But if the ostensible functionality for multiple loadouts is going to exist in the game you are presently selling, perhaps it could work properly? I mean, hey, just a thought.
So, developers, in your zeal to not allow people to back out of certain screens (like game loading screens), you have managed to create the following possibility: A two-way player has his stats maxed at 50 across the board. The only option that appears in the next training session is the Bullpen. That would be fine, except because your game forces players to do some training, the only option he now has is to swap out a pitch to get out of the training.
Your game is old enough at this point that you have to be aware of this possibility (or else you are just very, very poor developers -- a fact which, I suppose, one cannot leave completely to the realm of impossibility). And yet you have left it unaddressed.
This would have to be a pretty easy fix, no? Unless, again, you are just terrible writers of code.
Can the developers PLEASE provide the ability to disable the challenges?!
Can the developers PLEASE provide the ability to disable the challenges?!
Developers: On the topic of bugs ... are you all ever going to fix the issue of multiple loadouts?
Developers: Please explain the logic of locking people into training sessions when their stats are maxed (or ever, really)