For egg 8, you need to hit two doubles in an event game
For the Boggs one, you just need to get on base with him. Walks and hbp count

Just seeing who has received there’s and what they pulled.
I got the hyper Sale in mine
How much are you gonna spend in 17 days, 3 hours and 34 minutes when that team is unusable?
I prefer to grind on rookie, but to get through conquests and vs cpu, all star is where it’s at. Veteran isn’t that bad either
Rookie right now is a waste of time -
The jerseys are all right, but the caps are lame as can be
3-4 all day
@sbchamps17 oh I know. Been reading them all for the past week and laughing at them all.
Still debating on whether it’s just funny, frustrating, sad, or all the above -
@TR71777 you haven’t posted in the Franchise forum. You haven’t asked anything
It’s not hard to look -
Wait I thought you were trying to make your mariners not suck? So you can win World Series because irl they never win because all big money teams poach their stars?
It’s probably the fans fault
The Mariners have had good teams and hall of fame players over the years
It all comes down then to sucky fans
Hidden egg location thread
May Scouting Report Pack
Rate my team!
Rookie difficulty?
Detroit Motor City jersey
Would you rather .....
Question why offline only players like myself gets treated differently ?
Question why offline only players like myself gets treated differently ?
This is why I do what I do to the mariners