Lol, yep. Doobie, this is not normal, you're clearly new.

. My bad.
Can't happen after you create a save file in franchise mode.
With adding women in the game this year, why couldn't they have incorporated the women's baseball league? That would have made more sense.
@BGrizzy30 what grade are you in?
@ross750726 think about what you just said. How would that work? This has been brought up for years and years between all sports franchises. You can't play a franchise season with live updates.
@SaveFarris Adam Dunn for the Nats? Are you kidding me? Wow, thanks sds. What a joke! What has happened to this game?
I've had the connection lost twice. Once in the 8th inning of a play cpu. Love it. And just now in conquest. [censored] this game.
Did you beat all the rays fans on the last spot?
All good, sir. Good luck.
You have to hit 3 home runs in a row. With only the first three batters.
"Love to see it." " Let's Go!!"
@Honor_The_Game44_PSN said in Line drives need to stop hitting the pitcher:
Pitchers are hit by liners or have behind the back catches almost every game in real life. Average exit velocity and launch angle make it a highly likely outcome, which is why we see it so often in both MLB and DD.
Just seems like this would be a likely response here.
This guy... lol. Ok.
Uh huh...
Oh, ok. Thanks for the info.
The only one I enjoy is the fat braves fan guy. I can't remember his name right now. Big daddy. I think that's it.
Yep, [censored] is fuckin [censored].
As am I. This has been the worst content ive seen since i started in 2018. This is what happens when they put children on the content team. Just garbage. The card design is whatever, i can deal with it. And leave the stupid nicknames on the card, fine. but jesus... please change them to their real name in game.
And by worst content, I just mean the same as everyone else. Stupid alien [censored] in the outfield and the incognito series as a whole. Very childish and underwhelming.
Just play your next game on that one. Even though it says "lost", you can still keep going.
Lol, no. It's a glitch. It's in the patch notes to be fixed tomorrow... hopefully.
Undergoing routine maintenance
With women being announced in the game...
Franchise Mode
With women being announced in the game...
Live Rosters - Franchise Mode
Franchise Mode
Retro finest question
XBox - game rebooting
Extreme Conquest completed on 6th turn and not given the rewards or extreme points
Extreme Program Glitch -3 HR's No outs
Extreme Program Glitch -3 HR's No outs
Things you expect to hear on the Twitch stream today
Line drives need to stop hitting the pitcher
Will monthly awards be set 2 or 3?
99's day one (if you buy stubs)
NMS YouTubers
Major Misses by SDS in 23: A Show Lover's Take
Incognito and the companion app
TA Mini season
TA Mini season