- Happens when theres lag
- You might be the only person who does not know what a freezeoff is

Unoriginal, not very funny
I wanted to share what I think the biggest issues with the game are and provide clips to show what I mean.
Examples are in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Mjm4poM_tk-
For years now, I think maybe the biggest issue with The Show is the inability to get swings and misses and strikeouts against competent players. At 0:01 I have just some random clip that I found. The pitch is at the top of the zone, I am very late and even move my PCI down a bit. I don't care how good my hitter is or how bad the opposing pitcher is, unless the difficulty is on rookie, I don't think that this should ever be a foul ball. I've had examples even worse than this but this just happens to be the one I found. (I accidentally edited wrong for like 5 seconds after this clip, sorry)
Pitch timing and uncontrollable fielding glitches. I think these two issues are already well documented so I won't really go over them, but pitch timing being so slow as well as the first point I made are obviously the main reasons theres not enough strikeouts. I think the game would be so much better if there were more swings and misses, it's just not realistic right now. 0:22 starts this weird fielding glitch I just encountered.
Low Pitches - A low fastball is arguably the worst pitch to throw in the game unless you are using it sparingly and know when to pick your spots. I think that's enough of a problem as it is. Worse than that, though, is the fact that pitches well beneath the knees are so often hit hard and go for hits, and I mean WAY too often. At 0:33 is a perfect example of this. A sinker way beneath the zone is smacked up the middle for a base hit. As a one time thing, this is obviously fine, but this happens all the time to the point where I am sometimes afraid to throw a fastball anywhere in the bottom half of the strike zone or lower. These hits almost always seem to go straight up the middle or find a way through. I think low fastballs need to be made slightly more effective, and balls way beneath the zone like this really need to be changed. Either nerf how hard the exit velocity often seems to be, or make it so that balls are hit near fielders more. It seems like a glitch that it is always up the middle.
Pitch Location/Control - This is another issue that I am sure you guys are aware of, but it is for good reason. A big part of the problem with hitting being OP is that the strike zone is too small and control is bad, even on perfect timing releases. At 0:52 I get a perfect release on a changeup, only for it to go nowhere near where I aimed right down the middle and crushed for a homerun. I am aware that a changeup is Oswalt's 5th pitch, but this happens all too often with all pitchers even with primary pitches. I do not think control needs to be nerfed too much, as I like that walks are actually a part of the game this year, but perfect releases need to be improved.
Appeals- Please just take these out of online play. 99% of appeals are ruled no swing and they honestly just waste time when we all know what is going to happen.
1:14 is more of just a wtf clip that happened in the game, as well as 1:25, but this one is more of a glitch as I somehow get a bunt down at a pitch coming towards my pitcher's head. If you actually read all of this and watched the video I put together, I appreciate it. I think it shows something as well that I gathered all these examples from a single game. I think the game is much improved from last year, but if a lot of these issues were fixed, the game would be great.
At first I thought this might be the first game in several years that I might enjoy. And they’ve completely massacred this game. It’s clear the dunces in SDS just don’t know what to do. For the RTTS players, does this game play as bad offline as it does online. If it’s better, maybe I’ll give RTTS a chance but online is just not playable and clearly it won’t be on ps4
I’m legitimately wondering if directional is better at the 700+ level I’m RS. Tried it as a joke and have been having way more success. This game is in such a horrendous state. I don’t think I’ve seen a video game company have any less of a clue of what they are doing than sds
If I hit the ball well, it’s ALWAYS foul. I legitimately get about 10 squares up fouls a game. Any time I have good timing, my PCI is not on the ball. It’s ridiculous and there’s a lot of times I feel no difference between my swings. Ridiculous
Lately it’s been feeling like comeback coding is back like previous years. I go up a few runs and all of the sudden I’m throwing more balls and hanging pitches. If I’m losing it seems easier to hit. Games are staying close and losing teams are getting weak hits while the winning teams smashes outs
I’m pretty surprised this isn’t a thing yet. Why isn’t there a practice mode where you can select what pitch you are thrown. If I struggle with hitting sliders, I should be able to go into batting practice and choose to be thrown 50 outside sliders in a row if I wanted. Would help immensely with getting better at hitting certain pitches.
Having a 2% chance of pulling a diamond and not getting one in 100 tries is not crazy. At all
@John3221 said in It's getting really old:
@Dudeman22_ said in It's getting really old:
Comeback coding in this game is ridiculous. Every game is a 1 or 2 run game. If I score 2, my opponent automatically gets 1 or 3. If I score 5, opponent always has 4 or 6
I cringe when this game goes to the ninth inning because all of a sudden my opponents hit hrs or bs errors happen. I have given
up somany ninth inning homeruns it don't shock me no more.This
I also can’t stand how live series players are useless and their overalls are lower. I would love if I could use lineups that have current day players but that is simply not possible if you want to compete. Apparently Alec Bohm will be as good as Mike Trout shortly
If you’re not sure whether to buy this game atm, I strongly recommend waiting, especially if you’re a higher ranked player. It’s the worst parts of the last two years combined. Slow pitch speeds and still impossible to swing and miss, even on Legend. Only thing that’s better is that there is less lineouts, but every game is high scoring and there’s a very small skill gap. Just my two cents.
Pleeeeasseeee just make different game modes for competitive and more casual players. I dont think I can handle watching opponents foul off curve balls in the dirt and swing late at every single inside fastball no matter how many times I throw it. It is truly unbearable. Some people dont want to play this RNG based slop designed to keep the majority of games close despite user input. Idk whats worse, the game SDS keeps putting out there or the fact that I keep commenting and playing the [censored] thing.
Do people still not understand they can’t just put in whatever legends they feel like? I know it sucks getting the same cards from previous years but they can’t just make whoever they want
@joshjays44 said in How Is This Possible:
That's baseball bud...get use to it...SDS is making these games more sim like......time to move on to RBI Baseball bud, leave sim baseball to us Real Men!
You are the most insecure person I’ve ever seen on the internet
Comeback coding in this game is ridiculous. Every game is a 1 or 2 run game. If I score 2, my opponent automatically gets 1 or 3. If I score 5, opponent always has 4 or 6
So many of my games are 1 run games. If I score early, my opponent scores and it’ll be a high scoring 1 run game. If I don’t score, the games 2-1. It’s so noticeable the difference in hitting and pitching based on what the score is. PSA to SDS: It’s not fun to play a game where you only have partial control of anything that happens. No matter if my opponent is much better, it’s a close game with the same game flow. Funny thing is, in the 3 or 4 games that i remember being the worst, I messaged the people and found out they were about to make World Series or 12-0 in BR for the first time.
How is there not a setting for this? It is easier to get good pci placement on a ball on the corner than it is on a ball halfway between down the middle and at the top/bottom of the zone. Makes zero sense
Playing MLB stratomatic lol
Hitting is way too easy. Impossible to swing and miss once again
Online play has become a disaster
My strategy to beat showdown every time
Constructive Criticism W/ Examples
So Disappointed in SDS
Actually considering Directional
How Is This Possible
I feel The Comeback Coding Again
Practice Mode That Should Be Added
It's getting really old
Sds does not know how to gradually release higher overall cards.
If You’re On The Fringe
Dear God SDS I Am Begging You
I thought we were getting away from 80% old legends
How Is This Possible
It's getting really old
Way To Take Control Out Of The Players Hands
PCI Sensitivity
The hitting is not rewarding