What is “a game channel communication failure occurred”?? Great we get back on the diamond dynasty menu but I still can’t play?

What is “a game channel communication failure occurred”?? Great we get back on the diamond dynasty menu but I still can’t play?
What is “a game channel communication failure occurred”?? Great we get back on the diamond dynasty menu but I still can’t play?
What is “a game channel communication failure occurred”?? Great we get back on the diamond dynasty menu but I still can’t play?
@Rhyno1986 agreed. This lack of service.. lack of updates to a paying customer would result in a lot of us losing our jobs. These scammers just rake in the dough and do absolutely nothing to fix it.
I’m in. Refund please
Yah I’m in for a refund. Horrible service that we all paid for.
What’s your discord name?
Also sent a friend request
@bimblekay said in Diamond level 85:
For those who have reached this level were any of the high diamonds (90 and up) available in the Choice Pack? Or are the choices all 89 and below? Holding out hope for a DeGrom or Arenado when I get there...
Mine was all 89 and below. Same with other people I have talked to. Not sure you can get 90+ but maybe you can. Best card I had was Chris Sale who at the time helped me complete the collections.
I get that you want all your squared up balls to fall for hits but trust me it cant be that way. I'm only a lower tier world series player (low 900s) and I find it fairly easy to square up the majority of pitches on HOF difficulty.
The scores in games would be outlandish if every squared up ball fell. Its frustrating when they dont but it has to be that way. Watch someone like McGunski or YourFriendKyle on youtube and see how easily they square up every pitch (top 50 players) and think about how their games would ever even end if every ball dropped for a hit.
@SpudXpert27 said in Ranked Season World Series Idea:
too complicated to coordinate
That and setting a time like 6-9pm as suggested would never work as people's lives and schedules will never match up. Also they arent going to concentrate on an idea that only applies to an incredibly small population of the community.
@NYS012 said in Would you support this?:
@DubbyDubbs said in Would you support this?:
Dude multiple threads not needed. And no. Not only no because no .. but no because it is 100000% not going to happen. Stupid question. Stupid idea. Stupid poll. Thank you.
I never asked under the presumption that it would/might happen; I just asked whether you would support it that's all. No need to be so bitter.
Okay. Put me down as the first "no" then. Thanks.
1st season I made CS and started the next at 700. This season I made WS and I believe will start at 700 again.
Dude multiple threads not needed. And no. Not only no because no .. but no because it is 100000% not going to happen. Stupid question. Stupid idea. Stupid poll. Thank you.
send invite to DubbyDubbs
PSN is DubbyDubbs
Hi im looking for room for me and a buddy of mine. We are both on all the time. My PSN is DubbyDubbs. Thank
Are servers still down?
Server Connectivity Issues 03/15
Scaling out server access is easy if you cared even just the smallest amount.
Server Connectivity Issues 03/15
Server Connectivity Issues 03/15
Anyone that paid extra for early access deserves a refund
Server Connectivity Issues 03/15
all star live series league 30 completed seasons
Looking for guy for a league on discord
Diamond level 85
Worst Hitting Game Ever
Ranked Season World Series Idea
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