Yeah I’ve completed face of the franchise, so I’ve be got a whole diamond squad. It’s just frustrating that everyone is getting diamonds, and I’m doing good to pull a silver.

Anyone else just getting killed? All of my friends have diamonds falling out of the sky, and I’ve opened about 100 packs in the 24hrs and got zero diamonds and hardly any golds. I even got 3 chase packs and they were all golds. Extremely frustrating, especially as I log off tonight just to be texted a pick of one of my friends getting a 90 out of chase pack… like come on.
Also just turned 40, so count me in lol.
Congrats. Every season I cruise till I get to my WS game, and then just spiral. I know I’m absolutely good enough, otherwise I wouldn’t consistently get to playing a win and I’m in game. It’s just so defeating to get so close every ranked season year after year, and then to keep stumbling.
Will orders be filled if you placed orders for A silver you put in orders at 500 and they went gold or are some orders so low they will never get filled now they they quick sell for 1k?
I’m sitting here trying to grind out WS and can’t get into a game…
Same thing here.
Pack Luck
Pack Luck
On the way to WS
On the way to WS
Roster Update 7/9
challenge failed
challenge failed