thank you

8th Inning Conquest Map Goal #6
Looking for any assistance with 8th inning Conquest Goal #6. I need 250M fans, I can get in upper 100s and it seems to go in reverse. I figure someone knows the answer..... Thanks
At main screen goto "SETTINGS" in upper right corner. You will see "Sounds of the Show" and proceed as in years past to upload music. Unless its been fixed overnight, after downloading your music you can go into Jukebox and make your own playlist but it does not save. So when you exit from game you lose those settings and will have to redo next time you want your stuff. Hope they fix ASAP. This is for PS4. Also hope they find it in their hearts to make it work in PS5, would really suck to have listen to their base stuff during an all-day grind.....
Sure didnt start out well. I was very disappointed with this title for months. I understand there were quite a few issues out of your control. As the Year closes out on The Show20 I thank you the recovery. Game is tighter, challenges were many and awards plenty. Great Job, Hard to put this one down but looking forward to Show21.
In a 10 inn game, no bench left except sp. Bring in Scherzer who can hit a little versus the relief pitcher I had in. Score a couple of runs and leave him in to pitch bottom of 10. Scherzer stays in game and Strikes out 3 to end the game. The pitcher he came in for in the top of the 10th as a pinch hitter is credited with win but no save is earned. Why? Thanks
Trying to dump some cards that I dont have in any of my lineups. They dont have the "no sell" tag but when I make sell order says "the item is currently in use. If you wish to sell unequip or unsquad it." Not only do I not have it in any squad but have never used it in any squad. What am I missing?
o/ agree
Yes have done the conquest maps (chile pepper & inning one) looks like its time for a serious grind, and a try at the showdown. Thx
Trying to make up for loss of power over last few days and need 80 points to get Rollins 99. I did the pitcher for 6th inning and getting snubbed on Phillips challenge so far but will continue to pick up that 20 points. Dont really play online and no go for the voucher, whats the best games to play to pickup points? Need a plan for a grind with 7 days left..... thx in advance for assistance
Thx all. I have been hitting HR & EBH , just trouble with the Hr & Steal, think its the first one in list. Will try the R1 and hit hit it. Every once in a while hit a wall with the challenges.
ok thx. I can get the HRs. Any hints on how to get the boat anchor off his neck so I can get him second? 0-32 so far on that and about to give Philips a wave and an Adios Pelata
SDS freebies are frequent and appreciated. That said, would have been nice to have a Independence Day Conquest Map to add to the celebration. Happy Fourth America!
one of the worst parts of the game is the base running..... add to me to the "Fix Baserunning" fix list.
We the People is for all. Activists skins would only provide an avenue for divide. Baseball has enough of that right now.
Ok, all this great luck..... please pass a little along some of that luck to us poor sloobs who have only pulled a 6k diamond and a whole lot of FPs.......
Nice touch to add percentages complete under each team in the "Team Affinity Program" Menu.
402 with the created CF player, but it was on a line.....
I used to like Bang the Drum Slowly, but the guy playing the lead is a root.....
seems "predetermined" is interesting observation. At time playing conquest I think that at times..... time to get SDS back to offices so they can fix this title.
Yea I go thru a few packs a week and never had that kind of luck, good pulls. I am a bit POed that I complete a team, continue to get cards for that team and most I cant sell.... a few I am able to put on the market but most I get the "cant sell those card statement" and I know they are in addition to the locked ones. If I get a silver or gold that I dont see getting bumped up in level I immediately goto market to sell and thats why I am confused. Anyway thanks all for replies.
8th Inning Discussion Thread
8th Inning Discussion Thread
Custom Music Files
SDS Thanks for a Very Good Year
SP Earn a Save
Cant Sell Cards, says there is Use?
Seriously screw Brandon Phillips
What are best ways to earn Inning Points (P)?
What are best ways to earn Inning Points (P)?
For those struggling with Brandon Phillips moments
For those struggling with Brandon Phillips moments
No 4th of July Conquest map -- Shame on u SDS
Annoying base running needs fixed
Bat Skin. How about a statement by SDS
Well, I was dead wrong about getting Trout in a pack
% Complete Team Affinity Prg
Longest HR.
Favorite Baseball Movie
Is the game to bad to fix this year?
Non Sellable Cards