Why are people so desperate for wins? Just played a guy whose team name was Current Rank 872 Help Out. Please stop. Literally play the game and win one more game then you're in. No need to beg about it, not to mention that you still have weeks to get to world series. My settings don't allow others to message me, but I bet you for a fact that this guy tried messaging me because he paused at the beginning for nearly all of his time. Lets not forget to mention that this guys rating was 833 before I played him. NOT 872. So this guys is a desperate sack of sh!t and he's not even the actual rating. Glad I beat him though because there shouldn't be beggars like this in the game. I understand if someone asks you to help boost stats with a certain player, then gives you the win, but begging for rating is pathetic.

@Onyx_Hokie_2 said in Penalty For Requesting FQ While Losing:
A recent opponent had the brass neck to ask for a "Friendly" Quit while losing 6-0 in the 3rd inning.
I think that if/when such things are reported, the offending player should receive - at minimum - a 24-hour ban from playing online.
I also think that the game should incorporate a system whereby it's not possible to ask for an FQ beyond a certain threshold, or better still requiring more than one button press to accept an FQ.
It's honestly not that big of a deal, literally decline it and they'll quit immediately, so who cares? Things come up, and sometimes people need to friendly quit, there's no reason to take them out because you are offended and can't get over it with a quick press of a button.
I just really wanted to make this forum to say that SDS does actually give a [censored], especially compared to 2k and madden. Yeah it took awhile, but they're finally getting there. To the people that complain about what they gave us, they could have given us nothing. I think it was madden 19 or 20 the servers were worse than mlb's were this year and they didn't give us anything. Not to mention 10 showdown TA vouchers free and a free 42 series player. SDS is better than any other sports game company hands down.
I've opened about 25 of these this year. NOT ONE DIAMOND. Like 1 in 15 chance my a-s-s. They're no better than standard pack odds for diamonds. Congratulations, you pulled a gold that goes for 1200 stubs screw you.
Please SDS, we really need a Tim Lincecum, a two time CY Young winner. The man is an absolute goon, with an amazing motion, electric stuff, and luscious hair. As a Giants fan, there isn't anyone else I want more than a 96+ Timmy. He deserves it too The Freak was the best pitcher in the league for two years. I'm willing to bet that I'm not the only person that would love to see him. I know he went underground, and the chances are slim that SDS actually has the rights to him, but he's a fan favorite even if you aren't a Giants fan.
@rodol1551_xbl said in You R2 holders:
Stop quick pitching or trying to pitch an inning in 2 minutes...
ok Xbox
@lucas8181 said in Do y'all like FOF Byron Buxton?:
@dingers4days14 said in Do y'all like FOF Byron Buxton?:
@lucas8181 said in Do y'all like FOF Byron Buxton?:
@willallenn said in Do y'all like FOF Byron Buxton?:
Not trying to let the cat out of the bag.. but besides some that is mentioned, if you like bunt cheesing or bunting for hits since bunting is fairly OP, I’ve heard and seen him being annoying to defend
My first three batters are Gwynn, Mondesi, Buxton. I usually score 2 runs on bunts and steals to start the game
toxic. thats not something to be proud of
If it's in the game, it's not toxic. You can always pitch out, throw high sinkers, etc. Toxic is when you can't counter it. Not my fault people don't adjust after the first AB.
Yeah it really is, spamming high sinkers, in the game, but still toxic. Actually get some skill and don't bunt every at bat, because you act like you do with your top 3 hitters.
@lucas8181 said in Do y'all like FOF Byron Buxton?:
@dingers4days14 said in Do y'all like FOF Byron Buxton?:
Yeah it really is, spamming high sinkers, in the game, but still toxic. Actually get some skill and don't bunt every at bat, because you act like you do with your top 3 hitters.
@lucas8181lol, you're triggered over this? take a breath, go for a walk, get some fresh air, we will get through this bunt problem together my friend.
lmao I'm not triggered at all kiddo, I'm just saying that bunting with your first three hitters shows that you try to compensate for lack of skill, and it is frankly annoying when people bunt for a base hit routinely with the same player, even if I get them out every time, literally just swing the bat like everyone else.
@lucalderic said in April monthly awards:
So once again online gets more missions and points than offline players. This is horse [censored]. I pay and play just as much as everyone else. I know what some are going to say but soon even online won't be using this card so why am I being penalized. I should be be able to buy a cheaper version of the game. Same as CAP I am not allowed to earn the bat skin. B.S. sds
why spend money on a team that you don't play online with.... Just play franchise for free
Why do people keep asking for me to quit? Like I know all of you fake act like you're one game away when I know you're not because otherwise you'd be able to beat me, or at least have the game somewhat be close. It would be great if one of you beggars actually explained your thought process. Especially when I don't respond to you and you continue to cry about "oh please just quit, please, hello, are you there" Like leave me alone ffs I'm not stupid. Literally play the game like everybody else.
Bro its honestly insane how inaccurate some of these pitches. I'll throw one that's way below the zone, purposely get late release so it's in the dirt, but instead its a fat hanger. Hitting good and the ball being exactly centered still doesn't even warrant a great location.
Really? I'm surprised nobody is trolling me saying that this game is perfect...
@hoboadam said in Penalty For Requesting FQ While Losing:
Baby? Babies send FQ.
Real men turn off the machine and take care of whatever needs to get done.
Real men also don't cheat, bang on trash cans, and use buzzers, but what the hell do I know. But seriously buddy, it shows maturity to get over stupid small things. It's childish to not forgive and forget. It's not that big of a deal. I'd hate to see you mad about something in real life if you're this salty about pushing O.
@vipersneak_psn said in SDS, can we we please get any sort of response on if there is going to be some sort of xp drop?:
@guccigangchuck said in SDS, can we we please get any sort of response on if there is going to be some sort of xp drop?:
@locutusofburg said in SDS, can we we please get any sort of response on if there is going to be some sort of xp drop?:
@guccigangchuck said in SDS, can we we please get any sort of response on if there is going to be some sort of xp drop?:
@locutusofburg said in SDS, can we we please get any sort of response on if there is going to be some sort of xp drop?:
@guccigangchuck said in SDS, can we we please get any sort of response on if there is going to be some sort of xp drop?:
showdown isn't that hard
Thanks for coming in and flexing! We aren’t all pros like you and beating it is a giant pain, and a lot of us would love to not do it again because we lost credit due to server issues.
its nothing compared to last year*
Cool! I’m glad you’re a pro gamer!
showdown is a great way to work on plate discipline. I'm no pro but if you are patient its easy
See? There is always someone. No matter how much you struggle someone wants you to feel worse.
He's not even trying to be an asshole he's just trying to give tips to children who waste more time crying on forums about their missing progress than if they literally just did it again. It's pretty funny.
@SHOW_TIME_ryan said in This is starting to get a little out of hand.:
@dingers4days14 said in This is starting to get a little out of hand.:
@SHOW_TIME_ryan said in This is starting to get a little out of hand.:
@dingers4days14 said in This is starting to get a little out of hand.:
Shoot me your questions. C'mon kid can't be that hard to brag how you stump somebody but then you won't ask me.I hit this with Gallo.
Do you think that outcome is realistic, for a game that claims to be simulation?
Gallo's PCI isn't that big I know that for a FACT. He's got 26 vision and i promise its not going to be that big.
Lower difficulty with perks? Let’s say it wasn’t Gallo, is that outcome realistic for any MLB player?
But you're lying who you were actually using. So no credibility. You don't use perks in offline or in online, unless its showdown, and those are on higher difficulty.
@lucas8181 said in Do y'all like FOF Byron Buxton?:
@willallenn said in Do y'all like FOF Byron Buxton?:
Not trying to let the cat out of the bag.. but besides some that is mentioned, if you like bunt cheesing or bunting for hits since bunting is fairly OP, I’ve heard and seen him being annoying to defend
My first three batters are Gwynn, Mondesi, Buxton. I usually score 2 runs on bunts and steals to start the game
toxic. thats not something to be proud of
@JakeTheSupreme said in the bullpen is useless...:
sorry we can't all pay for super elite teams... im not spending money on this game. plus you got tell me ya relievers more reliable than ya starters? don't cap to me lil bro
I haven't spent a dime on stubs either. I bought the standard edition and that's it.
86 Charlie morton: Free card, 5 pitches
84 ken Giles: 1k stubs, 3 pitches, but has plus fastball and slider
85 chapman: 30k stubs, 4 pitches, plus plus fastball, good change of speed between 4seam and sinker, good slider
Kerry Wood: Free card 4 pitches
Sean Doolittle: Complete A's collection, 28kish. My favorite lefty, okay fastball (somewhat slow) with devastating slider and changeup
Eckersley: Free card, 3 pitches, lots a movement, somewhat sells
Robb Nen: 32k, 4 pitches, absolute stud.
All of these guys are good and can get outs(all have sub- 3.5 era)
You could get other cards like the kirby Yates, Isringhausen, Lugo, and emilio pagan. All are really solid for me that just don't make the cut over the others. There's plenty of fish in the water, you just have to find the right ones -
I know SDS probably doesn't have the rights to him, but as a Giants fan, I am a huge fan of timmy, and I'd love to see him back in the game. Back in 16, him and Verlander's flashback were the best pitchers in the game!
Do you think SDS might have the rights to him?
If they do have the rights, when do you think we will see a card for him? (hypothetically speaking) -
vidal brujan
95 2b -
Man needs to be free. Totally in the right. Didn't even hit anyone. 8 GAMES!? More than 12% of the season. For hitting nobody? Astros didn't even get suspended for one game. So i think a 99 or 98 Joe Kelley would be an amazing card to get! I think everyone besides Astros fans would love this.
@Brock27870 said in Need pitching / relievers - advice:
I have pulled two Trouts in the last week or so, sold both, and have the most stubs at one time I've ever had in this game. I want to try and get better online and pitching I feel like is my weakness. Hitting is a another conversation LOL.
I have a little over 600,000 stubs and would like to add a min a great pitcher and great reliever.
Who do you guys suggest??
Pathetic Babies Begging for Rating in RS
Penalty For Requesting FQ While Losing
Solid Make-right bundle
Ballin is a habit sucks
The Only Player I'll ask SDS for: Tim Lincecum
You R2 holders
Do y'all like FOF Byron Buxton?
April monthly awards
Petty people begging for you to quit during events
Is it just me that change ups are impossible to locate?
Smh SDS I can't believe what just happened
Penalty For Requesting FQ While Losing
SDS, can we we please get any sort of response on if there is going to be some sort of xp drop?
This is starting to get a little out of hand.
Do y'all like FOF Byron Buxton?
the bullpen is useless...
When will Tim Lincecum be added back into MLB the show?
Best lead off hitter
#FreeJoeKelly man needs a top notch card NOW!
Need pitching / relievers - advice