Uh, the dodgers payroll is what?

@GoozeFn_PSN problem is that if you bother them too much they just block you. The Can’t handle truth crowd is as cowardly as it gets.
To just delete our league though? That’s a lot of work to just [censored] away. Yet they ignore us when we get pissed off
@GoozeFn_PSN stop it. Excuses are like. Whelp you know the rest. It’s not DD. They give exactly zero craps about out leagues.
Like, show me you didn’t actually read what he wrote, without saying you didn’t read what he wrote!!
So freaking out of touch.
MLB the Glitch should be the name of this game now.
@vicentealoise_PSN excuses for the developer is why nothing ever gets done. You keep that mindset…SMH
@SaveFarris_PSN not true at all. They dropped it because DD became the cash cow. So, they removed to focus on taking money from chumps LOL.
interested. I joined the discord, then got booted.
Any openings?
They don’t care who buys it. They care who spends their cash on DD..when that dries up, they might listen. It will not dry up though.
LOLOLOLOL fix one break 3.. At this rate our starting staff will be able to go at least 4 innings per start by 2026
Complain about it? Why? You act is if they care, or that we will have some sort of impact. I know you think you have one, but you really don't. You're just feeding your own ego. You keep telling yourself they're listening. Most of us already know better.
Carry On!!
I actually believed some of these so-called influencers this year and bought it. Fool me once. I am not doing it again, until they address these issues. Too many other good games out there. Hell, I'll play ncaa football year-round before I Give this crew anymore of my money.
You guys want it fixed? Speak with your wallet.
@xXOctoberNyyXx_XBL agree, but a complete waste of your breath. They clearly give no craps about this mode anymore. I submit, that they only added it out guilt for removing Online Franchise to begin with. You know, to shut us up. its 2024, and we cannot even change uniforms in leagues. Something that worked fine until this year.
You all are crazy if you think they care what we want. it's all about DD now, and even that is lacking, and has taken a step backwards.
@Ravaqz_XBL I love it!!!
Still nothing. What a joke!!!
Only a few months since release. Makes perfect sense.
I know but how hard did we have to beg? It’s dumb!
Our $70 must be different than the DD players $70
Your 2024 World Series Champions
Deleted custom league
Deleted custom league
Deleted custom league
Deleted custom league
Deleted custom league
Custom League Issues '24
Custom League Issues '24
Why wont MLB the show ever allow us to do online franchises with a fantasy draft to where we can draft our teams?
Looking to join an ALL-STAR or HOF league.
Looking to join an ALL-STAR or HOF league.
Custom League Issues '24
Custom League Issues '24
Custom League Issues '24
Custom League Issues '24
Custom League Issues '24
Custom League Issues '24
Custom League Issues '24
Custom League Issues '24
Custom League Issues '24