Good luck but if you do can you ask them to have a option to turn on wind and to be able to change uniforms for online rated ( not DD real teams ranked) .
Another example he said when cars get recalled how does it happen ? Because numerous amount of people complain about the same exact thing of the vehicle having issues and then the the NHTSA investigates it and then sees there is a issue with the vehicle then gets recalled. Same thing here I’m not sure who investigates gaming companies if it becomes an issue but yeah he said at this point so far it’s a defective game.
Good point. All the more reason to keep submitting your tickets when it crashes and describe the circumstances under which it did so. I really hope they fix it soon because I just want to play the game without fear of wasting 40 minutes for it to crash in the 8th inning.
Turns out that the bug reports are through Chat GPT. So, good luck to all of us in ever getting it fixed.