It's been two days since the game is registering my progress in the program, is it happening to someone else?
It's been two days since the game is registering my progress in the program, is it happening to someone else?
If the opponent leaves the game, how many innings does the winner accumulate? the innings that they actually played or do they give you the 9 innings?
Thank you so much
Would it be possible, that they will add another way to get them once the TA 2 comes out?
Once I complete the TAs and have the 30 cards from the 42 series, plus the 3 to complete the collections, plus the 42 card that I took in the preorder package, plus the 42 card that I took in the package they gave away, how do I get the other cards of the 42 series without having to buy them in the store, such as baby ruth?
please new content in conquest
Thanks for the information @Victor_SDS_PSN , I think it would be fair to extend the time to complete the 1st. program or give some kind of xp bonus, because with the constant failures of the servers to many people we will not have time to complete it
Walkoff hr in ranked game y servers crash
Is there a possibility that the game could be in Spanish at some point?
Program progress
Ranked, inning accumulation
please new content in conquest
Server Down - 5/4/21
The game is a joke
Game in Spanish