Been playing online since 2018. Have never quit a game. I would have done the same thing,but knowing my son would have closed it out the next day. But I would have let it go as long as it needed. Find out where he lives and his name and put him on one of those websites that you report someone as not date-able

Namtrah22 made a great point "Everyone is trotting out Fantasy teams of course numbers aren't going to compare to real life stats. For your data you gathered you are only taking yourself into consideration with the 25% HR's for every hit." However, the problem isn't volume. On 2020 the PCI guys complained so much about Directional getting cheese homeruns that they made PCI/Zone more powerful. Okay, that is fine, but like the submitter pointed out, it is not realistic for someone with 70 power to hit an out of the strike zone home run every game. I think there is a balance in there somewhere. LIke I had no problem with Soto hitting a dinger off me 3 out of 5 at bats a game, but when a low power hitter (a la Live Series Nikko Goodrum) would go deep on a pitch 3/4" off the ground just because PCI, that would get frustrating. This is only my 3rd year playing online, but overall I think this is the best all around, so far.
@xxdeathreyxx_psn said in Unhandled exception diamond dynasty conquest:
@x814xmafia_psn said in Unhandled exception diamond dynasty conquest:
Which map?
Central team affinity for me, Cubs section.
Same for me on this one. It is the last territory I need to complete the Central map. I had about 10 straggler territories I left unconquered while i went to finish strongholds and this was one of them. Just needed this conquest to get 100% in Central Team Affinity. Guess I'll just do another Showdown. Glad those aren't near impossible this year.
In regular gameplay you should average 75-150 xp per inning. Friday (and usually all) updates start at 12pm PST (3pm est). This usually includes special events too. in PS you will see an update notification. I assume XBox has something similar. Sometimes the updates come 3-12 minutes eary.
What is weird is when it happens on a Boss it seems to count it somehow. Not sure if its because of the timing, but of the four times I got unhandled exception I only lost me win three times and each of those times it wasn't a boss.
I can have two cards of the same player on my roster. Is this new or a glitch? You couldn't do this at any point in the past. If glitch it is a big one that shouldn't have passed QA. I will say the gameplay is better. I like the ball off the wall functionality much better. And overall it is much better than last year's gameplay when outfielders would drop balls they were camped under.
@urbanphilosophy_xbl said in MTO Rewards while Servers Down:
@wynsanity318_psn said in MTO Rewards while Servers Down:
Ok so I think we all have had enough servers are down posts and all but I reached a reward gate while the servers were down figuring MTO might be one of the few playable game modes. Will I still get the affinity points added once servers are back or am I going to have a great time filing a ticket request?
I’m pretty certain that anything done while the servers are in a non communicable state will net you zero progress towards any mode that requires online to progress.
Road to the Show might be the exception. You can save it locally or to the cloud. The stuff I did yesterday when the servers were down saved locally. Then I was able to load the player to the Cloud from the local save. Blah blah blah. Sorry to babble.
I had two times the server went down when i was doing Showdown Draft. One time it let me pick back up in the draft. The other it took my 500 stubs and ran. Another time the server went down after I beat a challenge in Showdown and said I lost it. Could that have been the two runs I needed to beat the Showdown?
In reality, the gameplay itself is better, so willing to tolerate some glitches early on.
For the older fans out there that remember Eric Davis' and Darryl Strawberry's glory days, make sure you check out the documentary Harvard Park. And for you young kids that love the game, this will help you respect where older generations came from. We didn't have super nice drained fields or turf or covered dugouts. Or even water fountains for that matter. Sorry for the "back in my day rant", but this is really a great documentary.
Thank you. For whatever reason when it was first announced I thought it was a case where when you do the math it didn't count the starting year. But when I stopped overthinking it I realized it was 74 years. I love the support for Jackie and the foundation and honestly would be happy with Jackie on the cover every year.
Somehow I thought this was the 75th anniversary of JR breaking the color barrier. I have now crosschecked my math, which is bad in the first place, and find out this is year 74. Are we going to see JR as a cover on pre-order again next year for an actual milestone 75?
I'm sort of confused by the suggestion. You already get a receipt when you donate to their page using the link provided and they can already track it if you put MLBtheShow21 as the organization. Doing it this way also lets you personalize it by putting in your own Civil Rights hero in the "In Honor/Memoriam" of.
Is there a benefit I'm overlooking by doing a private fundraising page? I'm not against reaching out to JRF and doing it, but need to understand the benefit over doing what I've already done.
In honor of the 75th anniversary of Jackie Robinson I thought I would extend a challenge to all MLBtheShow players to make an extra donation to the Jackie Robinson Foundation.
I thought the $1 per copy was sort of small for the Deluxe Edition, so I went to to donate more. When you make the donation you can do it "in honor or memory of someone" and you can donate on behalf of an organization.
I thought it would be fun if we all put MLBtheShow21 as the organization and made the donation in honor of a Civil Rights defender we look up to. There are a lot I look up to, but I chose to make the gift in Honor/Tribute of Joe "the Black Eagle" Madison. You can find him in the mornings on SiriusXM's Urban View to find out why.
This is just one way we can use one of our favorite hobbies to help make a difference in this world. It is also an opportunity to make up for the hours we've spent playing the game instead of going out and making a difference. And you can burn a little negative Karma for all of the cheeze bunts you may have made over the past year.
We have come a long way since Mr. Robinson broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball, but we still have a long way to go. Helping to make sure those that deserve to go to college can go to college is a great step forward.
So what says you? I says donate now!
@SaveFarris_PSN said in anyone else?:
@TheMoShow___PSN said in anyone else?:
idk about anyone else but i took pride in having the greatest baseball game exclusively on my console of choice for the last 15 years.
World Series Baseball 1994 on Sega Saturn is the one we would play head to head that would go to like 22 inning games and only end when someone was too drunk to continue or would fall asleep.
Your opponent posted about this on Facebook in the MLB the Show (Diamond Dynasty) group and I had a feeling he was leaving something out. I ran into a schmuck last night that said "two steals and i quit". Normally I say no, but he got a leadoff hit with Wagner anyway and figured he would steal one no matter what I said. Then he goes on to score 5 runs in the first off me as he kept swinging instead of stealing. I'm sort of fine with him lying about it, but then after I got down by 10 runs from throwing meatballs he still continued to take extra bases and steal. I don't get people. I guess I had a few friends growing up that would have done the same thing. Not friends with them anymore though.
In no particular order.
- For retired players have some stats available on their card profile. It would be helpful to see why Minnie Minoso has a 99 or what the best 5 years of Jimmie Foxx's career looked like. Even if this were just linked to BASEBALL-REFERENCE or somewhere. We all grew up looking more at the back of the card than the front. In 2021 we need the back of the card. Maybe some fun facts about the HOF'ers too.
- No more getting robbed at the wall by the CPU on Showdowns. I get robbed at the wall at least once a Showdown entry and more often than not it leads to the end of my Showdown.
- No more runners getting picked off in Showdown. If I'm not getting robbed I'm getting picked off. Once had Ty Cobb get picked off twice in the same game. I bet he never got picked off ever in his career. (Caught steeling's are fine).
- Two different Ranked Seasons. One for 5 inning games and one for 9 inning games (or allow picking of the innings). I have a job and family and barely have enough time to grind new challenges. Not sure how people have so much time to play 9 inning games.
- More rating info on online play. Like how many quits a user has, how many friendly quits, how many total games played (RS, BR, and Events). Things like that to make quitting look like more of a bad thing to do.
- Way less 99's. Way less. We need 99 to be special not a team full of 99's. This would open the door for more 80's gold and diamonds like Dimitri Young or Paul O'Neil.
I'll stop at 6 for now.
I love the salute to Hunter Pence too. Like last year with Ichiro. Next year it might be Pujols.
Yeah i just noticed Travis Jankowski is a free agent after the roster update, but he's still on the Reds 40 man and was on their playoff roster. Not that he contributed at all. And for the record, the game loves Winker, especially in Showdown. Great bench guy.
Idea For Next Season should be its own category with each individual discussion labeled by the idea. Cubs might beat the Marlins, but their bullpen won't let them get any further than that.
We need a point system that hurts your rating more than a loss for quits? Or does the rating system already weigh that out?
Anybody want to collectively report a guy who’s had me in a freeze off for 8+ hours?
Home Runs by the Numbers
Unhandled exception diamond dynasty conquest
I dont think this game knows Math
Server disconnection should not count as losses
This game was not READY! Cyberpunk 2077!?!?
MTO Rewards while Servers Down
Eric Davis Player Program
Have I been pwnd?
Have I been pwnd?
'21 Donation Challenge
'21 Donation Challenge
anyone else?
Sad Game
MLB21 wish list
Alex Gordon
Wrong players on\off my team (Reds)
Idea for next season
Dashboarding recording?