Get rid of prestiege all together. The stat upgrade is not worth the hassle.
I swear I've seen Ben Afflect and Vince Vaughn in the crowd at times.
I'm a college softball coach.
@jz2016cubs said in MLB21 wish list:
This might have been up here before. If so, my bad. I looked for a minute, and didn't see one. Or I missed it.
So, what does everyone want to see next year? I hope for cross platform. I have some friends on XBOX that I want to play against. I have some more, but I am drawing a blank. I will add them when, and if, I remember.The DH
No Shipitt
Offline prestige ability -
Threre is 99 LS diamond card of Jo Jo Romero listed in player inventory. When you go to the market and search for him he is 61 common.
A very interesting mistake.
@Lornee56 said in Who do you have prestiged?:
All the pitchers prestigeableBrett freaking rakes for me!
@InigoMontoya_75 said in Any suggestions on my rotation:
I really like Kershaw and Wood as well. I can't pitch with Hershiser for some reason.
Just throw high sinkers to both sides and mix in the cutter occasionally. His curve can be used effectivley to some hitters just dont show it a lot. He's freaking money.
@jz2016cubs said in Is there anyone that hasn't completed the LS collection?:
I am thinking I will be one of the only ones that hasn't. I need most of the high diamonds still, and that is it.
I need Degrom and I'm not paying 200K for him. I got Trout before Mantle lol.
@sbevans142 said in Ultimate Baseball Movie Roster:
Surprised I haven't seen any Kenny Powers CAPs out in the wild. I bet that was big a couple years ago
I have one as a closer.
Had all of this yesterday. He even messaged me asking me if I was afraid of his lineup because I was getting him to K on pitches in the dirt!?! He used all the tricks, Long pause to see if I would quit, outfeilders diving, then getting back up to catch, Bunt dance etc, etc,. I won on a Mondesi walkoff in the top of the tenth when he dashboarded. Hope enjoys his hot "L"
@skywalker_25 said in Your best and final MVP for MLB20:
Jimmie Foxx. He always gets the hit or home run when I need it.
I love that card so much.Insane oppo power also!
I'm seeing so many day games now in RS. Is it just me that thinks it's 1000% better to play night games in order to see the ball better?
@iBonafideScrub_ said in I hate bunt cheesers:
The only thing I didnโt do was to bring the 3rd baseman in. Thanks for the tips.
I honestly donโt know why do they do that. I understand bunts are part of the game and there are situations where you want to drag one against the shift or to simply get on base. But using Brock, Carew and bringing in Gwyn and Lofton off the bench just to do that? Itโs pathetic
No its not. It's part of the game and always has been. Its Baseball not HR derby.
Get over it.
SDS you must do something about dashboarding.
Just spotted P Diddy at Fenway
What do you all do for work in the real world
MLB21 wish list
Market Glitch
Who do you have prestiged?
Any suggestions on my rotation
Is there anyone that hasn't completed the LS collection?
Ultimate Baseball Movie Roster
A love letter to toxic player
Your best and final MVP for MLB20
Why Day Games?
I hate bunt cheesers