You sir are the real MVP!!!

I’m sure there have been threads about this, but I really don’t want to scour over all the posts to find my answer.
So I have played the game on PS4 for the last 5 years, which I still plan to use at some point. But this year I purchased the digital deluxe edition on my switch first, knowing that I could cross progress etc.
Now from my understanding, because of this I will have to make my MAIN CONSOLE my switch now if I purchase on another console, correct? If this is so, how do I make it my main console? Is there even a way yet? Can we even link the switch to cross progression yet? Please any insight to this would be great. I understand I only need to purchase the base edition on my ps4, because you can not receive double bonus using the switch.
Switch Successfully Linked
I’m sure this has been discussed… but please help.