Keep boosting them stats man lol it isn’t your problem. Bury him
Jun 15, 2020, 2:22 AM
Jun 2, 2020, 1:36 PM
Just edit it.
Jun 1, 2020, 2:50 PM
Baseball is life to me, so I never stop playing. But with the way this year has gone so far, it’s gonna be a very bumpy ride for a year.
May 31, 2020, 1:51 AM
Just keep boosting them stats lol
May 29, 2020, 5:15 PM
@janoosh said in How Many Program Stars are Obtainable for the Third Inning Once Fourth is Released?:
Check the program and do the math.
Snell/Keith/Dawson collectionsThose couple things and collecting all 3 2nd second inning bosses. Which isn’t worth doin now to be honest.
May 29, 2020, 1:41 AM
Stubs are stubs but I would’ve held on to him for when a stub sale happens. I’m sitting on 2 trouts right now.
May 29, 2020, 1:36 AM
@Yankee_Nation said in Monitor suggestions:
BenQ 27 inch monitor. Best bang for your buck.
Just curious, but what mode do you have yours in? I have mine on standard but didn’t know if it needed to be on FPS or etc. rather than standard.
May 26, 2020, 12:07 PM
The only packs worth opening are the ones you get for free. Just get who you want rather putting your money in a slot machine. I’d keep enough on the side to keep flipping too. You can never have enough..
May 24, 2020, 4:20 PM
@JoeTheGamePlayer said in Quick Pitch = R2:
Quick pitching might be the most cheesy part about playing online. It's a baseball video game, not a basketball video game. Whenever I play a guy who brings this cheese, I will hit R2, step out of the box or pause the game repeatedly to slow things down.
Some people only have so much time to play and wanna get as many games in as they can. I’m fine with either way, you have to adjust. Past or present doesn't matter, this has always been done by some in the MLB. Holding R2 is very stinky cheese man lol
May 23, 2020, 2:42 AM
Yeah, as long as you can locate it.
May 22, 2020, 5:54 AM
400k plus I would say.
May 20, 2020, 10:50 PM
@Matt_42187 said in Sitting 9-0 on BR right now...:
@czyzdustries said in Sitting 9-0 on BR right now...:
@MLBaseball97 said in Sitting 9-0 on BR right now...:
I went 12-1 last night for the first time ever, got bellinger and now I can complete collections. I think what helped me was playing people that were probably 5-0 or 6-0 and it was hard finding a match at 2am last night
You played 13 games last night? You might have a problem.
Guys who stream for 8-10 hours every day have a problem.
Some people do bc that’s their job. Power to them if they can make that their main source of income.
May 20, 2020, 10:46 PM
@Hikes83 said in Sitting 9-0 on BR right now...:
@czyzdustries said in Sitting 9-0 on BR right now...:
@MLBaseball97 said in Sitting 9-0 on BR right now...:
I went 12-1 last night for the first time ever, got bellinger and now I can complete collections. I think what helped me was playing people that were probably 5-0 or 6-0 and it was hard finding a match at 2am last night
You played 13 games last night? You might have a problem.
Funny guy. I’ve once completed a BR run in 3 hours flat. Its not that bad. You’ll get people who quit along the way
And we’re talking BR games. That’s nothing. No different than playing 4 ranked games in day. Why stop the run when your hot? I’ve done it and wish I wouldn’t have.
May 18, 2020, 10:48 PM
That’s was something special for the players league. And was only a 15% sale. Yeah, usually there’s a 50% sale coming soon. Around Memorial Day. But who knows, this years been weird with everything going on.
May 18, 2020, 10:42 PM
Yes, I might. Are you a trained psychologist?
May 18, 2020, 10:38 PM
@SuperCookie80202 said in Why is Trout a 95!!??:
I'm waiting for the price on Trout to drop. I pulled him yesterday and sold him for 330k, now I'm waiting to get him again when his price drops so I can complete more collections.
That ship is sailing away brother. His price is only gonna continue to climb. Once there’s a stub sale he’ll be even higher.
May 18, 2020, 10:30 PM
Not gonna lie.. but I just read every comment lmao. What a thread
May 18, 2020, 1:56 PM
Yes and no. You get some good easy rewards but it takes some time. I also hate playing games against the cpu too so that’s why it depends on how you are. I completed it within a few days but next year will probably just do a game or two a day so I don’t go insane lol it is one of the better feelIngs in this game once you finish it though. Stomp it out within a few days or take your time. . Either way just do it brother.
May 18, 2020, 1:06 AM
1 to 15 rating. 15 being the best. Just rates how squared up you were to the ball
May 16, 2020, 8:41 PM
@Jholla31 said in 6 BR games, 1 Event, 1 RS:
@maskedgrappler said in 6 BR games, 1 Event, 1 RS:
Are you taking into account the patch yesterday?
I thought about that as well, but I feel like it's more so that my PCI and swings are reacting properly now. On the TV I would have multiple swings in a game where feedback said my PCI was dead center when I had definitely moved my stick.
This! Totally agree with you about swing feedback man. I’m using a tv from 14 or 15 that doesn’t have a game mode. It’s time to move on, monitor will be here in a couple days.
Mercy rule RS?
Deleting a comment or post
When do you usually stop playing the Show?
br troll
How Many Program Stars are Obtainable for the Third Inning Once Fourth is Released?
Who turned up the heat?
Monitor suggestions
Buying players vs packs
Quick Pitch = R2
Are two steam fastballs useful this year ?
Stub Sale?
Sitting 9-0 on BR right now...
Sitting 9-0 on BR right now...
Why is Trout a 95!!??
Shippett is just a joke
Why is Trout a 95!!??
Shippett is just a joke
Label pci rating
6 BR games, 1 Event, 1 RS