Those that have a good feel for the market….do you feel the prices for the love series players (mainly the high cost players) will go up or down on Tuesday with the second release date? Not sure if I need to save my Stubbs or not! Thank you!

Thanks EZ -
Not the same card but the same player with a higher rating? Is this accurate? -
Has anyone heard if they will continue with the captain cards or not? Thank you!
You can start with an 88 and he can creep all the way up to 99? Thank you! -
But they are not capped at +5 like the cards the last 2 season have been, correct? -
I started playing this game 2 years ago so I have no experience with the power creep. Is every card on a power creep? Negro League players too as well as every other category? I would guess live player cards are not? Thanks in advance for the help!
Players Prices??
Power Creep
Power Creep
Captains this year?
Power Creep
Power Creep
Power Creep