I regret pre ordering the game.

It’s easily near the bottom with 18 and 20. Content is the only thing saving this game. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way.
It all started when 18 dropped and the game hasn’t been the same since. Give us 17’s engine with some tweaks to glitches and exploits. Game would be perfect. And throw in a 2004 postseason Beltran for free too!
@raesone_psn said in This game is SO bad online:
Like I don't even know where to start to explain it. I fcking hate it, not even joking. I feel like previous years had their obvious flaws but this game is outright unplayable 9 out of 10 games due to my location. I either get matched up with people from the US or with Koreans/Chinese/Japanese people. I can swing as soon as the pitch leaves the hand and still be late on a mediocre fastball. It's awful.
People ask me why I haven't been playing RS this year. Well that's the reason. I rather dance on legos 8 hours a day than play a single game of this mess.
Okay rant over, I got my 97 Chapman so time to kick this game back to the curb where it belongs.
My man Raes does not miss when it comes to post like this. Be prepared to face off against people who defend the game as if Ramon pays their rent or something.
Played BR just to get the 120 point ballin pack. Won 3-0 so why am I complaining? I had 4 hits on all good swings and a few that should’ve been rewarded but it’s baseball not every swing is a tank or touching grass. Opponent has 5 hits not one of them good and all out of the zone. Do you see now? I’ll say this I never had this thought on 17 that I deserved a win or loss. If I lost it was all me and if I won it was all me, 18 and onwards is where I genuinely believe the game started this bs.
@raesone_psn said in My name is Nostradamus:
@chrono_omega_psn said in My name is Nostradamus:
Raes we need to combine the community to bring a hybrid of 16/17 with with their strengths put together and bugs diminished.
That would be great, but the people over in San Diego are clearly not interested in that direction unfortunately.
I’m gonna have to tag in Bret Hart to put some of these devs in a sharpshooter or something.
@daddydingerz_psn said in Is online gameplay really that awful?:
I’ve been playing The Show for years and I’m not usually one to complain, but online gameplay feels more inconsistent than ever to me. Overall the game has just been yucky so far.
Have y’all liked online gameplay so far or are y’all having similar experiences?
It’s down there with 18. Thing is I like some of the ball physics as it’s better than 20 and 21. But they also brought back the magnet down the middle pitch from 20 and 18’s good/good flyouts. It’s a hybrid of the some of the worst aspects of past games. If they just fixed some bugs and exploits on 17 wed literally have the best game possible.
He finally quit, crisis averted.
Mlb the no pci homerun 21
Mlb 16 the bunt cheese
Mlb the just late be great 17
Mlb the worst game in the franchise 18
Mlb the lineout 19
Mlb the perfect pitch down the middle 20 -
I laugh when I see people elevate balls in the dirt for ropes in the gap. Just comical at this point.
Apparently throwing offspeed because he can’t lay off, is apparently playing scared. Anyone else been told this? I’m astonished.
@lazy_toast_psn said in Carlos Correa?!?!?!?:
How and why is SDS still making cards for these cheaters when other “cheaters” can’t be in the game?? Sht makes no sense. So are you ok with some forms of cheating but not others? Should have made the card art a shiny garbage can with electrodes hanging out the side
Technically speaking there would be a lot of cards taken out of the game if you wanted cheaters gone.
It’s not a good swing, shouldn’t be treated like one.
After 2 games I already see the aura of what is supposed to be baseball peeled off. You know it’s bad when you can accurately predict how the game is going to player after an hour.
@LIONED-33_XBL said in WS over, still no 99 Mantle:
They said the greatest card ever in MLB the show history. It’s Mantle
To be fair that was 99 Beltran.
Previous cards are in this year, more flashbacks from bronze to gold, more collections than just 1 and the live series. Whoever is in content they need to do this every year.
If you walk a batter and quick pitch the entire time it’s much faster.
@t-rox_09_mlbts said in Card animation:
@alecd1597_psn said in Card animation:
I believe I saw Scuffy suggest this the other day but how would you guys feel if some of the cards had animations on them? For example on the POTM lightning card the lighting strikes on the card. I think it’d be pretty cool.
Who cares. Fix contact swings, sinkers and servers.
And PCI feedback too.
@jonblaze2424_psn said in “I can’t beat _____ Moment/Showdown so the game is broken. Come on SDS”:
God i love these posts.
The game isnt broken, you just need to get better. Plain and simple.
How can you be better than the cpu god defense though?
Honestly 4-5/10
I mostly play DD and it seems SDS also focused solely on this as well. They said stick skills would reign supreme early on, but when the game was released that was far from the truth. Gameplay is still a crapshoot for the most part with most good swings for outs and non pci swings going for homeruns(I mean seriously if you completely miss with your pci you should not be rewarded). Pitching is a major upgrade from last year, fielding is alright and baserunning is awful.
Content was really good which I give them kudos for.
Create a ball park was cool but quickly outgrew it’s novelty when you realize how limited it is.
Franchise didn’t get any help just the same thing the past 7 years.
I don’t do Road to the Show or March to October so no comment there.
Quick Poll
If I had to rate this years experience compared to other years so far
Go back to 99 overalls
This game is SO bad online
This is why we complain
My name is Nostradamus
Is online gameplay really that awful?
In a freeze off and if win I get to World Series
The Show 21: The Year of the____
tHe OvErHaUl
“Playing Scared”
Carlos Correa?!?!?!?
The no pci on the ball homeruns have to go
You have to play this game in small doses
WS over, still no 99 Mantle
Content this year is prolly the best I’ve seen
Just a tip for moments that pitch more than an inning
Card animation
“I can’t beat _____ Moment/Showdown so the game is broken. Come on SDS”
Grade The Show 21