Have you looked at the sliders? There's a ton that influence the play.

I'm just wondering if there's a more productive way to get some feedback from dev. Maybe we're just complaining to ourselves? I've submitted a ticket, but pretty sure that's not the correct approach either.
There's some really cool things they could do with the market, but I would just like to know what kind of plans they have for it and whether they're aware of the issues and planning to address them.
Should we write a very nicely worded "Dev Please Respond" post and ask what their plans are for the market?
I'll look through posts again and search twitter/website in the event that they've mentioned their plans for the market and how they're going to support it going forward, but I haven't seen anything. Maybe we could raise a little awareness? I'm sure going cross-platform created many issues, but...if we could just know the roadmap for the community market, that's what I'm looking for.
Thoughts? Just would hate to keep trying the marketing and having it appear to work then errors every other order. Imagine that frustrating experience multiplied by everyone in the world who tries and gets constant errors. We could alleviate a lot of world frustration if we just knew if they were going to support the market or not and how they planned on doing it (if so).
Mr4hunit is right.
It's incredibly frustrating. Even more frustrating that there have been multiple posts about this very thing without any improvement in performance. Or even an acknowledgement would be nice. Logged a ticket about this a while ago, but have heard nothing. Seeming more and more like a "don't care" issue.
Second this. Has to be a known issue. It's been a constant issue.
Submitted a ticket a week ago, but this is all I've received.
"Your bug report has been received and has been forward to the team for investigation. We will contact you if further information is required.
Thank you for helping make MLB The Show the best it can be!"
Update - randomly tried again just now and it worked for 2 minutes. Was able to make a couple purchases, but now I'm getting the 504 Gateway Time-Out message again.
Just to re-state - a product that half works can be more frustrating than one that never works.
It's pretty annoying. Especially if you accessed and used the browser version of the market in MLB the Show 20.
The market in 20 was far from perfect, but at least it had an inventory area that showed all cards in the game in one screen along with quantity owned. I realize it's taxing on the API to pull back so much info, but the alternative of going through many, many, many pages in the inventory section isn't a reasonable alternative. We need to be able to quickly manage our inventory (duplicates) and see what we have or don't have (and how many).
But...at the very least you should be able to access the market...
What would be nice is - that there should be an error message with a proposed resolution so that we don't spend time trying different browsers and clearing browser settings on end. Then, communication. We're able to login. They know who logged in and should be able to get our email by our user. An email would be nice, but that would be asking way too much, I know. But could there not be an error message with a note of when it'll be expected. I can't imagine that this is an "unexpected issue" when it's been happening so often.
The market is at the point where the game was in it's first couple of weeks. You never knew if you were going to be able to play. It was an utterly unreliable experience and we can't live like that. The market has become the same way recently. You just never know if it's going to work.
Either way - there should be some sort of message or communication about whether or not it's a known issue so that we don't go crazy trying to troubleshoot or figure out a workaround on our end. Otherwise, you just keep trying and never know when it'll work.
Without some sort of transparency - we can't really conclude much about the issue or whether it's a priority and we can't really live like that either. Or live happily, rather.
For the Show 20, in the market (accessed via web browser), there was an inventory tab that listed every possible card in and you could do a Ctrl + F and look for "x2" or "x3" or "x4" and you could directly navigate to all cards from one page. Cards you didn't own would have a "x0". That was really convenient. It allowed you to see all cards at a glance, search for ones you owned or didn't (and duplicates), and then you could drill into that card and make a buy/sell order.
For the Show 21, rather than show all cards in one page when you select the inventory tab, you only see 25 per page and you have to page through 77 pages to view your entire collection. The APIs the market use are also incredibly slow which makes going from page to page a bad user experience. It was slow last year too, but this years performance seems even worse.
All-in-all...the market could be a pretty neat game function, but in it's current state - it's more frustrating than rewarding to use - especially the browser based version.
OleDylan023, you're not being lazy - they're ignorant about how the market works and used to work and ignorant about how APIs work and just looking to discourage someone, rather than propose a solution or enhancement request.
All I'm saying is - It was much easier in the web browser of the market in MLB the Show 20 to see all cards (and which ones you owned/didn't/had duplicates). I'm not sure the logic that went into changing that aspect of the market from 20 to 21, but I really wish they would consider changing it back. The 21 inventory tab is pretty pointless, especially compared to the last year's version where you could see all cards (and their counts) in one place.
I found him by playing the AL All-star team.
Why this game is a disgrace for baseball
Please fix the market for computer/mobile!!!
Market Manipulation
Please fix the market for computer/mobile!!!
Connection errors
5/31/21 Community Market Down
5/31/21 Community Market Down
Can we add an inventory filter to view all duplicates?
Showdown practice v Verlander