I dont think you will need all but i think a good portion you would need. But if you think about it; it would be a cheaper way to get Trout than buying some SS guys or any of the others.

@lazy_toast said in Topps Now - Get on it!:
@BlueLiner79 said in Topps Now - Get on it!:
Hoping there is a certain number we need. Fingers crossed. I have 21. If we need them all I'm going to sell.
Yea same here. No way I’m locking in that many stubs
Yeah i think that's base per person but i fully see the logic. I have hit on a bunch of investments and I am not a good player but i can do "OK" but i cant hit for a lick with many SS's in the game. but again luckily enough i got in really early and cheap. Ill lock him in but with my investments i am not locking in a bunch of my stubs. I am leaving some on the table for sure, but in the grand picture its not that much really if u think about it.
I am not going to lie I have invested quite heavily and even if it is not collect all if it is collect anything more than what people get from the packs there is opportunity for profit. Like look at Giolito, there is is a MAX of 1 per person playing the game out there and his sell price was LOW, i got like 30 for buy orders around 6K. It has been listed forever to collect Topps now players for the lightning and POTM awards, so i am banking on profit anyways. But also look into investing in LF and SS if Tatis or Soto get it you know there will be exchanges. And if Turner and Tatis get one then there will be most likely two exchanges required for SS's
if you want the lightning card i'd say get these topps now cards before tomorrow, they're already starting o rise about 70% of what their value was yesterday and in some cased (Travis Shaw and d'Arnaud) are at about 107% increase compared to same time yesterday. Can only see them rising
no SS Carew is not eligible unfortuatley, gold is.. i got 30 i give you good deal if you buy the order now at the current market price lol
Yup. And super frustrating as it was supposedly “fixed” in previous patches.
His swing has always played up with how quick it is. It is still disappointing that my favourite player growing up was Bagwell and his swing SUCKS. But I feel ya. Now to wait for the requirements for the event
@albertrebla said in Troy Tulowitzki:
@The_DoctorsWife said in Troy Tulowitzki:
What really happened to Tulo? I heard buzz about him back in the day, and haven't heard anything since he was with the Blue Jays. He just fell off the map?
He is now the Head coach for Texas University
Asst. coach. Not head coach
Juan Pierre was never on my taxi squad lol. Was not that good and didn’t spend that much on him.
@Bob_Loblaw1984 said in Friendly tip pt 2:
@Chambers1734 said in Friendly tip pt 2:
Good catch. [censored] auto correct lol. Thanks man
@Bob_Loblaw1984 said in Friendly tip pt 2:
@Chambers1734 said in Friendly tip pt 2:
flipping and will probably only get more of a deportation
I appreciate the positive response.
No need to appreciate it, you pointed out a valid error. I don’t get why people would get angry and provide a negative response at an error of the own doing. But either way. They’re wrong lol
Good catch. [censored] auto correct lol. Thanks man
@Bob_Loblaw1984 said in Friendly tip pt 2:
@Chambers1734 said in Friendly tip pt 2:
flipping and will probably only get more of a deportation
Thome -
I usually do this in the hopes that it will help some people out for upcoming events. But the dead ball era event is going to be tricky, as they have not told us what the power criteria will be I just went by buying cards with below 70 to be safe. Some of the positions will be difficult based on position scarcity with lower power guys.
Boggs. Carew. Lofton and pee wee would probably be good go get some of now while they are cheap. Probably the best overall buy would be the gold Carew as the price difference right now would already net you a profit for flipping and will probably only get more of a deal with the current buy now order price compared to what he may go for tomorrow. But SS Boggs and Lofton would also be good. For the power honestly LS Catchers would maybe be the best bet and if you don’t have either of the two previous iterations of Jackie it may be a good idea to do them now so that they’re ready to go.
GL everyone and happy investing! And gl in the event
I dunno but I have about 39 gold Carew bought really cheap
Buy low power guys now since packs and headliner packs are everywhere. Upcoming event hints that you will not be able to use power guys. Buy cheap and hold if you have Stubbs. Same with topps now as (at least a good chunk) they will be needed for POTM.
@mastermut4life said in Topps Now:
@Chambers1734 said in Topps Now:
I’m surprised at the prices of topps now cards right now. If you want to get the POTM (Tatis presumably) buy NOW. If you looks at the POTM/ topps now it says collect topps now for the monthly reward. Most of the older cards are down about 11K buy now orders. Expect this to [censored] well rise given how many people used him with his 99 card.
I'm planning on getting the 10 cards I need to get to 27 today after doing last weeks top moments. I would rather pay 120-125K now then 200k+later.
Oh for sure. I’ve been getting them as I go and dipping down I think in total for dupes I have about 40 or so (more the Older ones) but even since this morning the prices are starting to creep back up
Probably next week. But you know as soon as it is in the calendar they will jack up. But I have lot seen an announcement yet. But makes sense next Friday.
Hornsby is great. I like both their swings but I’d give the nod to Hornsby but again based on personal preference.
I’m surprised at the prices of topps now cards right now. If you want to get the POTM (Tatis presumably) buy NOW. If you looks at the POTM/ topps now it says collect topps now for the monthly reward. Most of the older cards are down about 11K buy now orders. Expect this to [censored] well rise given how many people used him with his 99 card.
The. And is disappointing. I used him for the entire season last year and after some RS and events games it’s very meh. If your opponent cannot hit slow stuff then you’re good. But once you get to higher difficulties his lack of real pitch speed may get slaughtered.
Topps Now - Get on it!
Topps Now - Get on it!
Topps Now - Get on it!
Topps Now - Get on it!
Friendly tip pt 2
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