Every day I put my logos on and they stay until I shut down my PS5. The next day when I log back on, all my logos are gone and I have to re-add them to my team. EVERY day, what gives??

@savefarris_psn said in New Idea For MLBTS 22:
If you can just exhibit a little bit of patience, they'll be enough end-game cards available that static lineups won't be an issue.
No way. It’s the same thing every year. The end game static lineups is what my idea is trying to avoid lol.
I think it would be a great idea if The Show takes a page from Madden, sort of, when it comes to our DD teams.
We all know the pitchers have stamina and the position players do not, thus come September October we start to see the same static lineups every game the rest of the year.
The idea is just like franchise, EVERY player on your roster has stamina/energy. So in the team management page you get to set your 26 man roster/team. To sort of simulate call ups/downs SDS could implement a timer, say 7 days or whatever, during which you are stuck with the 26 players you set in. Players have stamina thus forcing you to swap players in/out every 2-3 games (playing tired players could result in more errors, even possibly lowering hitting, fielding, base running attributes.
I got a feeling this will be met with much negativity, but I think it’s be a really cool change.
@gohardgrandpa said in What the??!!!?:
You need to @ them to fix the dumpster servers
Who do I @? I thought the one I tagged was one of the people to @?
Hey @Victor_SDS_PSN yesterday I made it to 1st inning pack. Picked and sold lofton. Used those stubs to buy Rendon, LEMAHIEU and Judge, then locked them into my collection. I get on just now and Lemahieu and Rendon are no longer in my possession despite LOCKING them in! And I’m missing a 42 pack from NLC and NLW gold pack from yesterday too. Can I please get some help? I’d add pictures but idk how
I just finished a conquest game, and after game it said I earned a 42 pack and NL West pack. Yet when I go to my packs it says I have nothing.
WHY CAN YOU PEOPLE NOT MAKE A PROPERLY FUNCTIONING GAME EVER...........................................
I see the game is down bright & early this morning
I bought $100 digi deluxe. It gave me 2 packs. I opened both. Chose Griffey with 1, and either Pedro Martinez or Hank Aaron with the other, can’t remember, but then I got booted due to server issues that night (launch night so issues are expected) but when I got back in I only had the 42 Griffey, the other was gone and I had no other 42 pack left.
I had sent an email days ago, only response was “ive kicked this to the team so they can’t look into it.” I know y’all are busy with all the server issues and what not, but any help @Victor_SDS_PSN
@sagacious1_xbl said in If they took the game off game pass...:
@dmc04005_psn said in If they took the game off game pass...:
That would relieve a ton of the server stress, right?
Not that they’d do it...but let’s just call it what it is. Xbox ruins everything
Microsoft has the better network performance BY FAR and away! It's not even funny, I have owned both, your PS network is trash as is your GUI for PS.
How was all those data breaches for PS again?
It's not Xbox players, it's the [censored] poor programing, servers (this part is huge) and lack of testing for this game. That falls on SDS.Yet ps routinely outsells the sh!tbox overwhelmingly
@duiaintez_psn said in Compensation for being a beta tester:
Servers were fine before the full release Tuesday...
No they weren’t lol, they certainly weren’t this bad but they were still messing up
@henrikisgod710 said in SDS Needs to Extend 1st Inning Program A Week:
@the_dragon1912 said in SDS Needs to Extend 1st Inning Program A Week:
@henrikisgod710 said in SDS Needs to Extend 1st Inning Program A Week:
And the event
There is a part 2 of the event with the same rewards. Even despite the server issues 40 wins in 2 events isn't all that bad
Ahh alright didn’t realize that. But I’m also not confident these server issues get solved any time soon. Only reason it would make sense for SDS to be silent about this is because they don’t have a fix coming any time soon.
SDS is always dead silent post launch, only stuff they’ll talk about now is new packs to get money for stubs
Self explanatory, SDS needs to extend 1st inning program a week seeing as we basically have not really been able to play the game.
Could one of you be kind enough to tell me where to even find online league??
Sorry to tell you Xbox players this, but this is a yearly thing with SDS. It’s always TERRIBLE first week or 3 lol
Missing Logos
New Idea For MLBTS 22
New Idea For MLBTS 22
What the??!!!?
What the??!!!?
Post Game 42 pack missing
Only got 1 42 card pack
Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE
Only got 1 42 card pack
Only got 1 42 card pack
If they took the game off game pass...
Compensation for being a beta tester
SDS Needs to Extend 1st Inning Program A Week
SDS Needs to Extend 1st Inning Program A Week
League Openings?
Servers again...