Credit to SDS for listening to their base. I've seen multiple people on here & Reddit who asked for an NLB booster card, including me. Also wanted a 99 Hilton Smith. Good stuff.
@Capt-Clutch-2K24_PSN Sounds like you are too picky and too worried about what other people are doing. Be patient instead of quitting and just worry about the things you control or don’t and don’t play next year.
Well, it IS a Winter Wonderland Event.
A freeze off should be expected because of it 🤪
Never expect 'warm and fuzzies' in a winter event.
Anyone ever try to play real baseball in 30-40 degree weather? Not fun, yet SDS thinks it's fun to play with mittens and Uggs on.
Puzzling 🤔
Not to mention this is the weakest final xp path in the 3 years I've played. It's a 1 year live service title, I hate when sports games stop with content so early. For a game that wishes it generated half the revenue of mut, SDS, doesn't even try. I'm curious as to why?
Of the Finest I unlocked, only Ryan McMahon has made my team. Why him? His 95 ASG card was 💰 for me. He even won a Conquest game for me, right away.
I can do without Finest tier list vids, as I saw 2 already. Stoppit. There's no way you used these enough in a day and a half to know!
The XP path is pathetically short. People have Witt Jr. already!
There is an outside chance they rerelease these, but its very low.
Last year had the same thing with the London series cards.
Last year also the problem of Albies being impossible to obtain now because of the WBC license expiring. Really wish they would adjust that.
The final s1 collection might also be unobtainable, or would cost millions, because of the same issue