I don’t have the C1, but I have the G1. It is awesome.
Go into settings menu and turn off Energy Saving stuff. I believe that auto dims the panel.
I don’t have the C1, but I have the G1. It is awesome.
Go into settings menu and turn off Energy Saving stuff. I believe that auto dims the panel.
Thanks DJ for posting this. I thought it was just me.
I’ll add that when I say, “get the job done”, I don’t mean playing the same Moment 15, 20 or more times.
Yes, if you swing poorly and/or at bad pitches, I wouldn’t expect to satisfy the Moment. But, good swings on good pitches in the strike zone? Yeah, that’s a reasonable expectation IMO
Anyway, off my Moments soapbox. Second year playing this game. Moments, by far, are the worst and worst thought out program. Not even close.
Here’s the trouble with Moments.
I’ll use the Jeremy Peña one as an example. Here, we are to get 4 total bases in a game. Ok, fine.
But don’t give me a Peña card with 54 lefty power! Oh and on top of that, don’t have the team he’s hitting against pitch nothing but lefties most of the game.
I’m being set up to fail. Not for success.
That, in a nutshell, is what needs to change in Moments.
Took me three times to get the Jackie Robinson moment. You think I’m doing any of the others??
You gotta be kiddin me.
@cdnmoneymaker93_mlbts said in Edit velocities are horrendous:
I am reading alot of comments of some bruised egos who are taking some Ls and can't cope
As others have said, please don’t take the criticisms of the games as I’m losing. I win about 90% of my games. They are just 1-0, 2-1, or extra innings, especially in Conquest.
They are simply not enjoyable to play. It is definitely a grind.
Literally have no clue what mode to play in diamond dynasty.
All of them play like [censored] right now.
I just tried to play the AL showdown. Literally, failed just about every mission. SDS, FIX HITTING. Fix it, before folks start leaving.
In my opinion, conquest games are “programmed” to be close, tense games. I’ve had way too many 1-0, 2-1, extra inning games to believe otherwise.
Two things I’ve noticed since the update:
brief audio dropouts during the game. Everything goes quiet, then gradually resumes normal audio
my pinch hitters getting announced twice before they bat.
Thongypu, thanks for taking the time to reply.
We will have to just agree to disagree.
I had to put the Conquest map away for now. When my all 90’s batters are struggling to score runs against their 5th starter on rookie or vet, hitting is simply broken.
Please SDS fix this soon.
Yeah, as if on cue….
Just took cubs stronghold with a 3-0 win in extra innings. Again, the cubs. Again, a 90 rated starting lineup. Oh, and I needed an error to get the last two runs.
It is not fun nor relaxing.
Yes, they definitely adjusted stamina. Wish they would adjust gameplay. My team of 90 rated players in another series of tense, sweaty games this time against the Cubs!!!
Never score in the first inning. Hardly score in the second. Get all my runs usually in the third inning or extra innings.
Same scenario each time I play a conquest game. It’s like the games are “supposed” to be close.
Oh and this is on Vet.
Accurately display my CAP rating. Depending on where I am in DD or RTTS, my player literally will show 3 different ratings. And always show up as a 65 in DD
The ability to see my 2-way player pitchers stats in DD. Hitting stats show up, can’t see pitching stats whatsoever.
Thank you for the app. Looks really really nice!!
Just another head scratching moment. You have to swing at the first pitch, the pitcher will not throw a strike. I tried this one five times. Four of my swings were green (good). Two were doubles. The other died in the warning track. Those green good swings needed to be homers.
I love grinding the stats. Try to stay away from all types of moments. Cannot stand Daily moments at all. Loved TA. Love to grind other programs that allow you to play vs CPU. I’m like 75 to 85 % complete on most programs ( until they force you to complete a specific moment or go online)
I have a RTTS dude as well. That is fun.
Today’s moment with pujols is another example of just not understanding the point of these Daily Moments. The first time I tried it, the pitcher never threw a strike. Second time, same thing. Third time, I figured I gotta swing at something. Again, nothing close to a strike and I struck out swinging at “junk” nowhere near the strike zone.
I just don’t understand what these are for. I guess spend 15-20 times and an hour doing them. I guess.
Ten friggin times. TEN. Drag bunt, no! Kept pushing it foul down the third base line when my arrow was pointed towards first. Gosh. Moving on. Sheesh. I’ve said it multiple times, they need to make the success rate daily on daily moments these higher. Don’t have to make them easier, but when you swing (or bunt) well, they need to be satisfied. I don’t play online, but I can’t imagine the frustration is any higher than multiple multiple multiple times attempting a daily moment.