@ikasnu_psn said in Prices:
He's 90+
And? Lol what does that have to do with his price going up when he’s not even playing. I get he’s harder to pull but that doesn’t explain his value increasing overtime while more people pull him.
@ikasnu_psn said in Prices:
He's 90+
And? Lol what does that have to do with his price going up when he’s not even playing. I get he’s harder to pull but that doesn’t explain his value increasing overtime while more people pull him.
Why has Tatis continually gone up by 10k each day? Am I missing something? He’s not even playing so I’m just confused as to why his prices and all the high diamonds are going up to insane prices.
@the_dragon1912 said in 2 homer Jackie:
Honestly I hit one and the next at bat I got a triple and broke for home. They made a bad throw home and got scored with my second homerun. So to answer your question, dumb luck
That’s exactly what I just did lol
How am I supposed to hit 2 home runs with Jackie in FORBES when I can’t even hit one...
Who would be better for my rotation?
Pitch speeds need to be tuned down in the sliders, With the game currently how it is you need to read exactly what pitch is coming and where it's going as soon as the ball is released. If you're thinking offs speed when the ball is released by the time you realize it's a fastball it's
already past you. This means you have to sit fastball, however sitting fastball you have to read fastball instantly to hit it and if its off speed you're going to be way too early. Hitting is nearly impossible right now.
Does anyone know if they will be changing the first team affinity pack from non-sellable to sellable? I don't want to open my packs and get useless players if they'll be changing it.
@Nanthrax_1 said in Challenge failed:
It's your wifi
Definitely not my wifi, I'm hardwired with 75 mbps download
Every time I try to play an online DD game I get challenge failed and it says "The game server has closed your game session.
@SPeer_SDS said in Live Roster Update:
Can you select "options" while looking at your squad in DD once you use the work around to get in? Having the CPU generate your best squad should fix the issue.
I just tried that and it still isn't working.
Does anyone else get an error downloading the live roster? Every time I try to connect online it says failed to download. There is a work around to get online but when I try to play BR the game server is closing my game session every time.