Not a glitch, they're allowing that this season and if you don't already have all four slots they can be earned.

My only problem is it has no negative or positive impact on the RTTS career so I should be able to skip it or toggle it off completely.
I can almost guarantee that it won't be him.
It's such a grind this year that I'll probably get maybe one of them on the last day or something lol.
They'll never let Pete Rose in the game but he should be based on all the gambling that MLB promotes now lol
After reading these posts and hearing that SDS nerfed mini seasons, I must admit I'm a little annoyed and disappointed as someone with a family and two jobs it was one of the best ways for me to actually grind the seasons xp and now with lesser rewards and xp, it is useless to play. Do better SDS.
I couldn't agree more. In years past by this time I've had much much more even after completing collections and other things.
I don't really care either way to be honest. I've done it the sell now way, the a few stubs less than others and the hundreds to thousands less to sell it quickly. It's a game and I'm gonna have fun my way.
Agreed. I know I won't finish it before the end of the season personally. I only get to play mainly on weekends and that won't be enough time to finish each division for TA3. Why punish players SDS?
@GoTitans3 said in Yall gotta attack all YTers comment sections:
@major_woody_ I don’t even play the game because it’s literally dogshit lol. Facts are facts.
So why even post here then?
I had no problems with using the face scan through the companion app. By the way, I'm on IOS.
Man SDS what’s going on with this stuff smh
Heck yes, I love everything baseball from stats on here, on the game, baseball trivia, MLB in general and just overall lol.
I've personally never had an issue in all the years I've played RTTS. I could get drafted anywhere from Dodgers, Nats, Rox, Angels, or Pirates and would change the dynamic of my squad. It sucks that you're not having the same result cause I know it would get annoying.
@mietha Agreed. Because I wouldn't even waste my team bragging about a digital millionaire thing but that's just me.
I mix pitches and pitch speeds. And paint the corners and challenge accordingly.
@Frankdatruetank said in Pitching Attributes:
My 4SFB Velocity has gotten up to 40 in the middle of the Playoffs of this season, so I firmly believe progressing in your career is the key to maxing out your pitching attributes. The Break Attribute for both my offspeed and breaking ball are at least at 40.
If that's the case let us know how it goes when you progress through your career.
I saw at least three but I'm sure it's possibly more.
Yeah, that's probably the only packs I'd even consider buying this year. Especially with the boosts that they provide.
Wild card glitch
Turn off interview
9/27/24 'Career Tribute' Program
Anyone get their first boss yet?
Pete Rose incoming
What are we even supposed to grind offline now?
Why is SDS so stingy with stubs?
Team Affinity
Yall gotta attack all YTers comment sections
No face scans??
Can you please fix these issues, SDS? We paid for a game we can’t play!
Are you a stats nerd?
This is my last MLB game. I'm done.
The Purpose Of The Millionaire Pack
Pitching Attributes
XP Question
Captain Packs? Will they come back soon