I should probably not reply to this thread as it is my first year and I hit that wall when I hit HOF online as well. However, I have thought about this quite a bit lately and I will throw out there what I have come to. If I am wanting to get better, and in some ways thinking about "next year", I want as consistent environment as possible and I want the environment that can help me best judge if I am getting better. I have come to the conclusion that online and Diamond Dynasty in general are not the best for that. I am still playing online and DD, but I am also playing a lot of "Postseason" on Legend as my practice mode. I love Extra Innings, but I think non DD helps me better judge things.
I am still playing online, but with server lag, PCI updates and varying difficulty levels, there is just too much variability for me to really know if I am getting better or not. I can play online and hit an off PCI to win a game and it seems like I am getting better...I also can throw a gem, yet the crazy bloops/seeing eye singles can end up in a loss that makes me feel like I am not getting better. I do think the better player wins most of the time online, but it is still a lot of randomness that makes it hard to determine if I am getting better or not.
I have also realized that for me as a player, the biggest issue is centering the PCI. It really doesn't matter the difficulty I am set on, I tend to not center it. Even if I play offline in DD, there are plenty of non PCI hits, homers, etc. I can go to the plate with Jackie and crush an off PCI homer. That is just not happening in a non DD mode at a higher difficulty. The outcomes just seem much more realistic and it gives me a better idea if what I am working on is actually working. The lower attributes really just seem to provide a better baseline for me to judge things. As I get better, I can also adjust the sliders to continue and increase the difficulty. Now, there is still the issue of getting better at online play and the components that come with that, but for the most part I don't feel like those are the things holding me back....and it is the reason I have not completely stopped playing online.