Is the server down? I'm getting network error your connection to the show online has been lost. I've reset game 3 times and my ps5 twice. I'm connected to playstation network so it's just the game. I csnt figure this out. Also says k have 0 stubs when j have around 250k. Anyone else having this?

I'm getting this now and I've restarted 3 times and reset ps5 twice. Still happeneing......
Good i thought it was just me haha
Anyone feel like when new cards come out they rake like crazy but then over time they just stop doing anything? I feel like sds wants us to having to keep buying new cards haha I'm sure they do. But it's like how my phone always breaks or stops functioning right when the warranty runs out. Like I got giambi out the pack the day he dropped. First 10 ab he had 6 hrs and 8 hits. Since then I cant hit the broad side of a barn with him. It happens with alot of ky cards. I feel like I should be getting use to players swings but I just get worse and worse with those cards. But if I put in cards I never use I rake. Just wondering if anyone else noticed this?
Bro I'm batting like .200, but have a winning record, and have NOT spent a dime and have all the cards except like 25. And most of them r early year br rewards, like chipper, that cost 60k now. But in getting them a couple a day now. And agsin I'm no money spent. What r u saying about me? Cause I don't do it and I get just as mad. I've lost like 50 hrs and missed br missions because of it multiple times.
Where does ir say anything about juicy packs?
I think it's gotta be chipper. He's gotta be comin soon. They only got his 1 card from BR? I think it was.
Yea and the server is down on the game
Online is down for server maintenance on ps5. Was there one scheduled for today? I know there was one yesterday.
Just skip the 2nd half. But also flipping cards is so easy right now. I got 1 card jve bought easily 200 times and I'm making 4-8k a flip. I'm no money spent and I got l the collections, Jackie, all the finest but the extreme rewards which I'm working on. Put orders in for all ur stubs play a game, then put up the sell orders and play a game. It's simple. And if u got the app it's easy and quick.
Nevermind for some reason my game didn't update
@lckdb_XBL said in Mays or hamels:
Are you doing the collections? I would base it on whether you think you will need a Takashi or Finest card more.
I got all finest except the ones from extreme which I'm still working on. And I got all Takashi except Delgado, stan, and honus. I took hamels by the way. He's a beast.
I've tried 6 br drafts and haven't gotten either of them haha
Those have tried them, which one is better? My outfield nor rotation are a priority. I got like a 5 man rotation in the outfield, and I got a messy 9 pitcher rotation going because I like all of them and can't take any of them out. And I don't need to sell it as I don't NEED any cards on the market as of now. But taking the selling of the card out the equation, if you had to pick 1 who would it be? Mays or Hamels?
It's gotta be chipper or atleast a chipper is coming any day now.....
Can't search the stadium vault for certain people. If I try searching for certain stadium creators nothing comes up. And I know the name is 100% correct. Can anyone help me
Just got my 250 innings WS reward. Who do i take? I'm already using basically an 8 man pitching rotation. And I'm rotating Mullins, babe, soriano, Dominguez, and 99 hrd julio in the outfield. So I don't have a specific need. What r ur guys opinion on who to take? Or do I just take the higher priced guy and sell him now. I only need i think 5 AS players and 1 Takashi, and 6 breakout to get McCutchen. But that'll happen quick even if I don't sell the reward. Thanks for ur guys opinions.
I'm at 244 innings. After this game I get a world series reward and I can't make up my mind. Bellinger or lieter. Anyone who's got them what do u think? I already am overcrowded at 1st and outfield. And my pitching staff is pretty much on a 8 man rotation. Or do I take the highest priced card sell it and then the the 40k or so extra stubs in and buy Guerrero and baez? This is my 1st world series pack. Opinions please
Does anyone else's game crash if when u look at more than like 5 pages in the stadium vault? It's getting really annoying and ive submitted the bug report everytime. And still it does it..
I was just disconnected with 1 out in the bottom of the 9th up 6-3 in ranked seasons. Now I can't connect to the network at all????? Anybody having this issue?
NETWORK ERROR: Your connection to The Show Online has been lost
Cards start off hot
Cards start off hot
Easy Fix for Dashboarding, SDS -- DO IT!!!
Juicy packs
3rd Collection
Companion app down?
Server maintenance??
2nd half hero prices...
Can't find a match
Mays or hamels
Mays or hamels
Mays or hamels
3rd Collection
Can't search the vault.....please help
Lieter or bellinger
World series reward
Game crashes
Can't connect to servers