Cards start off hot
Anyone feel like when new cards come out they rake like crazy but then over time they just stop doing anything? I feel like sds wants us to having to keep buying new cards haha I'm sure they do. But it's like how my phone always breaks or stops functioning right when the warranty runs out. Like I got giambi out the pack the day he dropped. First 10 ab he had 6 hrs and 8 hits. Since then I cant hit the broad side of a barn with him. It happens with alot of ky cards. I feel like I should be getting use to players swings but I just get worse and worse with those cards. But if I put in cards I never use I rake. Just wondering if anyone else noticed this?
Yes. Very much so. I am a below .500 win rate player but I normally hit between .400 and .500 with a new 99 overall card for 10 to 20 at bats........ By the time I reach 100 at bats those cards are almost always under .300 I know EXACTLY what you are getting at.
Good i thought it was just me haha
So...we can confirm what we learn in statistics class! Awesome!
Of course, what I mean is that it is easy to have an "above average" numbers when we have a small sample size and that the number will fall to the expected range when we have a larger sample size.
This is an absolutely genius of a post!
I settle in to MY guys.
And a new shiny guy gets a tryout with MY guys.So now Billy Williams has a 100 ab shot at Kirk Gibsons LF/5 hole in my line up.
But I only switch 1 at a time.
Otherwise everything os just Off -
It's maybe me, but RF Brett is letting me down a lot lately. At first, he was Godly!
This is facts lol
@BTownHustla30 said in Cards start off hot:
Anyone feel like when new cards come out they rake like crazy but then over time they just stop doing anything? I feel like sds wants us to having to keep buying new cards haha I'm sure they do. But it's like how my phone always breaks or stops functioning right when the warranty runs out. Like I got giambi out the pack the day he dropped. First 10 ab he had 6 hrs and 8 hits. Since then I cant hit the broad side of a barn with him. It happens with alot of ky cards. I feel like I should be getting use to players swings but I just get worse and worse with those cards. But if I put in cards I never use I rake. Just wondering if anyone else noticed this?
I always feel like this is the case. I also feel like if you move someone out of the lineup for a game or two they aren’t the same when you put them back in.
I feel like mine are the opposite lol. When I swapped out Honus and Clemente for their upgraded selves, it took a while for the new ones to get going.
@AlexTheGreater7 said in Cards start off hot:
I feel like mine are the opposite lol. When I swapped out Honus and Clemente for their upgraded selves, it took a while for the new ones to get going.
Same here, Honus' new card is taking me a bit to adjust to and if I can't adjust to him by the end of the week, im selling high and getting Kiner.
I'm willing to wait for Honus, we were besties last year
MRAD2010replied to AlexTheGreater7 on Oct 3, 2022, 7:46 PM last edited by MRAD2010_XBL Oct 3, 2022, 7:47 PM
@AlexTheGreater7 said in Cards start off hot:
I feel like mine are the opposite lol. When I swapped out Honus and Clemente for their upgraded selves, it took a while for the new ones to get going.
That’s weird you say that because the new Honus started off hot for me but then he fizzled out. I took him out the lineup and just put him back in and he’s on fire again. He might be the exception.