I made the mistake of preordering the physical copy of the cap edition from target. yesterday it said the game back ordered and im not supposed to get my game til APRIL SEVENTH. absolute bs.

he finally quit. finally. ggs in the chat boys
i am currently in a freeze off ongoing about 30 mintues with a dude im beating 6-3 after being down 3-0 two innings ago. we are B7 w two outs. im winning this [censored] unless my internet connection gives in. wish me luck.
@untchable704_psn said in A lot of y’all need to get better at this game:
David Justice still over 300k. Come on man get to World Series guys. I really want this card but hate to pay this when I know he gonna drop way down.
maybe don't [censored] abt it and do it yourself
I got one of these today and have no idea how i did. But im not complaining bc i got a Soto out of it. Anyone know how i could've gotten it?
Please fix the postseason pack problem. I opened the CS one Friday and got [censored] LS players out of it. I’m 90/100 on the WS program and i need the pack to get seager. Please fix this
Same here wtf
Good song never dies, watch me walk, classic man
@Buck_Mango said in For everyone crucifying the Astros, learn some baseball history:
if you aint cheating you aint trying, cheating has been going on in sports since the inception of sports just sometimes people get caught. had they admitted to it, no worries water under the bridge.
Ur one of those people
Anyone notice how some teams have new cards on their roster that aren’t in the game? For example, the Orioles have an 83 Brad Brach in the pen and the Rangers have a 78 Keone Kela in their pen.
I know this is random but does anyone know what to do to complete this daily challenge? I’m tryna get as much 5th inning points as possible. It popped up before in my dailies and I hit a sac fly online and scored a run off it but that didn’t count. I’m hoping someone can help me out
They’re probably putting the packs back at normal prices and [censored] somn up
Don’t put in a lefty pitcher in the moonshot event. Someone did that to me and I went no doubt with Eddie. It was so satisfying but he got the last laugh with the walkoff.
Do y’all think the rewards will be extended pst 100 wins for southpaw time/ free-4-all events?
the only thing im complaining about is these [censored] crawford missions
Can you get them out of a normal standard pack?
@ryrycon said in Fastest ways for Stars:
@yanksthebest said in Fastest ways for Stars:
Get a life
U like the Yankees
is that a problem?
Anyone know what time it releases?
I had a dude the other day ask me to back out bc he had 49 wins. I didn’t reply and beat him 3-2. Most satisfying win ever
@JuGottii said in Why are people like this:
@Bronx__Bomber27 said in Why are people like this:
I just played this dude in an Event game. The guy immediately messages me as soon as we start and tells me the following: “I’m 3 stars away from 300 stars I need 9 walks I’ll quit the game and give you the dub” “ Intentional walks work too”. I messaged him back basically saying I’m not dumb I know that 9 IW’s gives you an auto loss or whatever. He quit right after I said that. Some people smh
Bruh I got the same exact message. I did him a favor a whooped his a**
was his team name D-BAT Reid? Can you remember?
Never using target to pre-order ever again
Freeze off
Freeze off
A lot of y’all need to get better at this game
Scouting Report pack
Dear SDS
World Series Program Glitch? HELP!
What’s your favorite song from any MLB the show Soundtrack?
For everyone crucifying the Astros, learn some baseball history
Babe moments
1 sac hit
Server issues
Please don’t do this
Event Rewards
Get over it...Nobody cares...just quit the belly aching
Question about Headliner card
Fastest ways for Stars
3rd Inning question
Petty people begging for you to quit during events
Why are people like this