It's a shame the servers are so bad because this year's game is a lot of fun and plays great.

Terrible. OF is already packed and Mantel should be The CF this year. What a disappointment
Welcome to the marketplace where the prices are made up and the card values dont matter.
No. Cheating would be rampant on PC and hitting would be cake with a mouse.
They should have him be the only SP that has OF secondary so we can use him more.
I was a younger day (18 when my son was born) and now he's 16. Never gave up gaming. RBI baseball was good but I have fond memories of playing Hardball 3 on my pc. Needless to say my son and I get very competitive on the show.
Roger Maris
This is the worst. Generally can only play in the morning but every day it's server maintenance so I never can. Move maintenance up or back 2 or 3 hours once in a while.
took me maybe 2.5 hours
Just a request. Would be nice if we can see our missions and challenges for programs and BR (especially BR).
No stub sale but a pack sale instead
I consider myself an average player at best. I can accept the fact that I'll never compete on HoF level and I'm pretty sucky at hitting. With all that considered I thought I had a good strategy when it came to the final showdown. I'd work the counts and get the pitcher (i think its newhouser) exhausted, increasing my chances of getting a hit. We can all accept its a legit baseball strategy. Well not so much in showdown. With 108 total pitches throw, he still had half energy. No one has that kind of stamina. I don't mind getting bested, but this is flat out cheating. If SDS wants to give us these challenges, at least be up front about it.
Did any xboxers do any kind of research on the game? PS players buy this game year in and out and we know what we are getting. It's been voiced on the forums before. Next time do more research.
Would love a 3 inning game option. Sometimes I just don't have the time or focus for 9 innings
They are linked to your account and will transfer automatically. I actually switch between my ps4 and ps5 depending on which room Im in.
Jp Crawford
MLB An unhanded Server Exception Occurred 21
Trout Collection Reward
Wait for stub sale to end?
Please let PC users play via Xbox Game Pass!
Shohei Hype
Dads playing The Show
Another “The chase for..” thread but this one makes sense
Thanks for announcing this server maintenance SDS.
New monthly program
Missions and challenges
Start the sale
Showdown cheats
Did I seriously waste $70!?
3 inning online games should be permanent
going from ps4 to ps5
Total Bust Cards