Check swing they ( SDS ) messed with it I want to say 2 games ago cause check swinging was out of control now half the time animations do not match up with the result. I have been playing conquest games and seen a player I am pitching to get called out for swinging when the bat barely left his shoulder so they do not care.
When the players have complaints etc and want answers getting them from a mod /SDS rep is harder then winning the lottery BUT make too many topics complaining about servers the mods come out pretty fast in comparison. I can see SDS has there priorities in the right spot - police the forums over the players and the health of the game we all love.
Gratz for showing us what really matters to SDS maybe i will care more about saving money then your game next year I guess we shall see ..
I want to complain but at this point what's the point the servers are a BEEP show and they are held together with spit and scotch tape -- here is hoping next year they are much better prepared but i have my doubts
Here is the real problem with this moment --- in the Real moment off Jack McDowell who is a RH and in this BS moment it's a lefty and the Edgar card is weak on lefties so SDS what the heck are you doing ?
Take this moment and .........
Since Elon messed up Twitter and I do not have an account cannot follow the news so what time is the stream today -- 11 am PST like norm ??
Thanks in advance for the answer
I was thinking the same thing -- we should get a Topps Now the pack who cares since just another way for them to try and milk us for more money but they are getting more lazy it seems
I was just wondering this myself and you guys are being way to nice on them for this screw up. In the larger picture not a huge deal but this whole game has been a death by a thousand cuts. This game has nothing glaring wrong with it for most part but so many small little things that just keep this game as average to slightly above average.
slightly off topic but i think this game was supposed to be a current gen only game but cause of covid and such they let PS4 ( old gens ) have one more year. I think they have moved on to a next years game already that is why you see very little ... NM ... NO game balancing changes for the most part. They have prolly put 85% of the team on MLB show 24 current gen only release and just have enough to work on the content and small bugs and such.
Back on topic they either need to remove conquest / mini Season games from mission OR allow them with a fix but they will not so whatever ...
Check swing does the game creator care about it?
Server Update (10/9)
It’s October and the servers are down again
"The Double"
Things you expect to hear on the Twitch stream today
It's Friday, it's a couple days after the trade deadline and no content.
QS in a 3 inning game?