I don't know what the deal is but there is no Jeter Story Line on my system. Never mind, I found it.

@lewisnadasurf1 I also manually control my base runners and havs the assist off and it still happens
@raesONE- Man on first and press the steel lever to request the steal. I then press the x button to swing at the pitch and the runner turns around and starts going back to first. Or, Start the steal and hit the ball to the outfield and it is going in the gap so I am pressing the level for all runners to advance but the runner on base is in the process of returning to the previous base. Happens WAY too often.
For the past 3 years for sure and possibly longer, there is a problem with the base runners returning to previous base Instead of continuing to next base when trying to steal and swinging at a pitch or even when making contact and putting the ball in play. I have tried numerous settings and making sure assist is off and it still does it. Causes many outs and lost opportunities along with lost games because of this screw up. Is there a setting to stop this or is it just something they do not want to fix ?
I went through the entire season and won all but maybe 1 game and never got the egg. What do you need to do ?
Another ridiculous change that was made to the game. No pass balls any more. This game is getting more and more so wrong.
No call on check swings any more. That is ridiculous !!!! There are so many check swing experts in the game now. Nothing gets called any more.
How do you collect the Quit/Disconnect item to completed the rituals list. I have tried quitting several game areas and have not figured it out.
I am able to play anything on the game as long as it is not head to head. When I try to play ranked season or events it goes into looking for opponent and when it finds an opponent and tries to connect, the game freezes and I have to hard, shut the game off and restart.
How do you earn these ?
Still down in Mi.
Down for me still.
They stopped the stealing by pausing the runner on taking off and half way down during the run.
I have the sound shut off while I play most of the time.......lol
@crashbowman447_psn said in XBox Hitting:
@birdmanmorin_psn said in XBox Hitting:
There is a big advantage for playing on XBox which has been verified by a couple players that have both systems and have played on both systems.
What is this big advantage you speak of? I have played significantly on Series X and PS5 and sure wouldn't say that one is significantly different than the other.
I only have a PS4 so I do not know exactly. Read my post from 26 days ago titled "XBOX ADVANTAGE ????" and read the replies.
There is a big advantage for playing on XBox which has been verified by a couple players that have both systems and have played on both systems.
Because the runner going to second base only got there because the throw was to the runner going home.
@frstdwn_xbl said in XBOX Advantage ????:
@kingakp_xbl said in XBOX Advantage ????:
@mothers-milk237_xbl said in XBOX Advantage ????:
@kingakp_xbl said in XBOX Advantage ????:
@john3221_psn said in XBOX Advantage ????:
@eccentrictexas6_xbl said in XBOX Advantage ????:
@birdmanmorin_psn said in XBOX Advantage ????:
I have stayed away from playing people online almost all season so far, for the reasons that I am sick and tired of the childish game play of so many people you play now. Not many want to play a straight up game anymore without the holding R2, bunt dancing, extended time outs, etc. What I have noticed now is that whenever I am playing someone that has xbox, (I have PS4), I don't care how far out or where I pitch any place any speed, they are always able to make crushing contact. Don't notice it when playing other PS players and no idea if the PS players are on 4 or 5. Just sick of the way this game plays anymore, with the base runners going back to previous bases instead of advancing on hit balls, lag of the players starting to move, etc.
I have both systems and I can tell you that the Xbox X controller is the real deal. I feel like I'm swinging a bat underwater on the PS5 compared to the Xbox. Never had trouble turning on a fastball on the Xbox. I think it is because the controller itself has some sort of Input lag reduction built in. Even wireless, it shits all over the PS5 controller when swinging the bat.
As with most things though, there is a downside. Pinpoint pitching is far more difficult to do owoi he Xbox and the the sticks themselves are uber sensitive. Sometimes that makes getting the PCI harder to get on the ball because you over correct.
You're not imagining it, it is far easier to get to a ball of any speed on the Xbox, and I think it all comes down to the controller.
I guess that's why I have hard time turning on fastballs using zone plus analog stride on ps5. Can Sony do an update to reduce input lag on their controllers?
I imagine that's possible but you're probably better off looking into a third party controller( I recommend Scuf for PS)
What do you recommend for xbox1?
Xbox elite series 2. Scuf is decent too.
Scuf is a great controller.
Thanks, I will give it a try.
What controller is best to use with a PS4 ?
@dcmo3_psn said in Angels live series collection:
@birdmanmorin_psn said in Angels live series collection:
There was only 1 needed, then 2, then 3 just so you can't complete the Angels........smh
After each update you have a week or two (one of them) before the next update. This gives you more than enough time to put in the max bid and obtain them.
I have been putting in the max bid and when it finally is purchased, another blank card is now needed. I am back to needing 1 still.
How do you access Jeter storyline?
Base Runners Returning To Previous Base Instead Of Continuing To Next Base
Base Runners Returning To Previous Base Instead Of Continuing To Next Base
Base Runners Returning To Previous Base Instead Of Continuing To Next Base
#2 EGG
Pass balls?
Check. Swings.
Rituals Collection
Not Able To Play Head To Head Online
Who should I P5?
Can't Get Online
Server problems
Why are 99 speed 99 baserunning getting thrown out now?
The little things that would be game changers
XBox Hitting
XBox Hitting
Scoring question
XBOX Advantage ????
XBOX Advantage ????
Angels live series collection