Rant Alert:
i dont know how many times ive tried to beat this freakin showdown. ive tried multiple different strategies as far as drafting and batting order. i am embarrassed with how many studs ive burned trying to get through this. at this point of the year, i realize that beating this is irrelevant. but i am dead set determined on getting through this stupid thing. ive come close quite a few times, but each time, i feel i get screwed some how. for example, i have the winning run on third with one out remaining, only to have a line drive hit off the pitcher or another infielder that just conveniently rolls to another infielder then i get thrown out. i dont know why, but it infuriates me to think that this game, and this showdown, will get the best of me. i understand that this is the "extreme" showdown. extreme shouldnt mean [censored] near impossible. perhaps they could put a price tag on showdowns or challenges for suckers such as myself that cant seem to beat a challenge. i dont know, im speaking out my [censored] right now.
Rant Over

I'm in Indiana, I haven't had any issues. Just restarted my console and got right back to DD without problems.
Knock on wood
But the companion app won't get past the "fetching data" screen. -
Haven't had an issue with the app, until now. "fetching data".
LMAO servers are probably down -
@spacewrangle_xbl said in Network error:
When you read this is there a orangish alert at the top of the screen that says there is server maintenance at 7am?
Nope....Nothing. O well not a big deal.
@ronniegant1992 said in Network error:
Game update, shows at the top of the forum. 4 am pacific.
I'm glad you said that. There isn't a banner at the top of the page like there usually is. We'll don't I feel like another idiot....
Is anyone having an issue with DD at the moment? Just tried getting on and it's saying there is a network error. There is no problem with my internet connection.
Noooo.....the out at first before the throw cancels the force out at 2nd therefore a tag must be made
If you come across someone who is constantly hitting R2, they are probably using one of those zen things. My kids friend brought it over to try and show off about a week ago. I still don't really understand what it does or how it's helpful. But I noticed pretty him spamming R2, every batter. He said that R2 is the button he uses to trigger the device/mod. I saw this topic and thought i would pass this along.
Anyway, thanks everyone
@joeythebigboss said in Need some advice:
Never spend all your stubs on packs that’s not a good strategy man Lady Luck usually is never on your side with Packs .
This is the exact reason why I was very hesitant to do so. I get so irritated when I see people who have pulled multiples of the most expensive cards and I am lucky to pull a high gold it seems. I realize that my window to buy the packs was last week....again, figured I'd get bent over and taken advantage of like I have been in this Moonshot Event.
Is it me, or does it seem like the majority of streamers are the ones who have the best pack luck and are usually the ones to pull those cards like Trout/deGrom? -
@macktastic-brad_xbl said in Need some advice:
Buy the players u get a lot for free example put a buy order in for a common for five stubs put a sell order in for whatever like 50 do stubs buy the same player again u got a.free card plus 40 stubs works for most cards I avoid flipping diamond's do a team a day all I need is trout I didn't buy a single pack
Okay, so I should buy all of the cheapest players in every collection, then save up to buy the more expensive players such as Trout, deGrom, Acuna, etc...(or I get lucky AF and actually pull one of these in a free pack)....
Did I follow that right? -
I know that there was just some nice content drop recently, and more to come shortly. I haven't put much effort into collecting players to get any of the final collection rewards. I refuse to spend a penny on this game. I did last year and learned that it was a total waste and pointless. Anyway I hate to use my stubs on packs bc my luck is horrible, unlike so many other people that I have seen. But ALOT of my online opponents have dedicated lots of time and money in the game, so they do have all the final collection players.
My question is...I currently have 260k stubbs, should I just go ahead and buy all of the packs that I can, test my luck and earn players to get closer to to final reward players....or....what would you recommend I should do? -
I got my [censored] handed to me earlier Monday night. This guy hit 3 or 4 home runs and his [censored] pci wasn't even near the pitch. Not to mention that his swing timing on 80% of his hits were either Very Late, or Very Early. Meanwhile, I had hit 4 or 5 with Perfect swing timing and with my pci completely over the pitch. All of those were squibs in the infield. For the sake of not making this post a whole page long, I'm not going to mention the all the other BS that happened while playing just this last game.
I have no problem taking an [censored] whooping when the opposing player is playing better than me, or are clearly better than me. But this was by far the case here. -
Can the hidden rewards on all of the conquest maps be earned more than once? Excluding the mystery map that shows you can only earn them once....
@greenbuk75_mlbts said in Is there ever a Sosa, McGwire or bonds:
reggie stocker aka bonds has been, some guys think theres a conspiracy against steroid guys....in reality theres a ton of cheaters in this game so who cares
I also thought for a while that they were deliberately left out of the game bc of their ties with steroids. If that's the case then, why is Giambi and Braun in this game? Personally, I think it's because none of them has ever given SDS permission because they don't want anyone to be making money from their name and likeness. Michael Jordan is the same way.
Maybe someone in this forum might have an idea of know the answer.
This past week, whenever made changes to the motions/animations for my particular swing type, they revert back to default every time. Before anyone asks, yes I am exiting the right way and saving all changes.
Sometimes I'll save/exit, then go right back in to make sure it didn't revert back to default motions/animations for my selected swing type, it will all be correct and my changes are still there. I'll play a game, and every time, never fails.. .the motions/animations will be set back to default. -
@elway7751_psn said in Why I'll never be a good hitter:
I have a complete inability to not drop my PCI.
I try so hard not to do it, but every time I think I don't the feedback says otherwise.
I really have no idea how to stop, but when I don't screw up, I hit great, but thats probably less than 5 percent of the time.
This is my 3rd year playing DD and my online average is never above .200. You can't win this way. Very frustrating, I've tried everything.Man I have had this exact same problem. The past couple of days I have been playing around with my hitting view and it's helped me alot. I was using strike zone 2, now I am using strike zone offset. I don't know why, but it's helped me a lot to break my habit of moving the pci down, and be late on my swings. I didn't ever think I'd be using this view setting. Just never liked it initially. Now I'm actually making solid contact with pitches. Not saying this will work for you, but give different views a shot. You might be surprised which one works for you. I still at times revert back to the old habit of moving my pci down. When I do, I start with my pci at the to of the strike zone and try to follow the ball out of the pitcher's hand the best I can. It's a tough habit to snap out of.....
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in FREE 10 PACK COURTESY BUNDLE?:
@mkexknyiigroe_xbl said in FREE 10 PACK COURTESY BUNDLE?:
@haves0ul_xbl said in FREE 10 PACK COURTESY BUNDLE?:
I just ran into a free 10 pack bundle in the Microsoft store with a release date of 6/22/21. This may have been noticed already. Possibly a courtesy bundle due to this outage?
Your game actually runs on Microsoft? Weird
It's in the store search MLB bring up the full list and go to add one and it can be claimed there.
Lol awesome, definitely found this, lol I thought you were just making stuff up at first. But thought I have nothing to lose so why not. I wouldn't have known otherwise. Thx
@thegoaler_psn said in David Justice stance:
@bigdirty06_xbl said in David Justice stance:
I actually found him in the roster of the Beasts, went in to the menu to edit him, then found his stance that way. Legend 18.
I have used Barry Bonds, Legend 6 for the last few years since my real life stance or at least the bat waggle is similar.
I did use that one for a while, but the pitches low in the zone very often were just weakly hit ground outs. Are there any adjustments that you make to the stance?
How fricken long are these servers going to be down for today? This is about [censored] ridiculous.
extreme showdown is b.s.
Server issues at 5am?
Fetching Data
Network error
Network error
Network error
Another HUGE bug that has cost me 2 games…
You R2 holders
Need some advice
Need some advice
Need some advice
Need some advice
When will SDS fix the garbage they call online?
Conquest rewards
Is there ever a Sosa, McGwire or bonds
CAP motions/animations
Why I'll never be a good hitter
David Justice stance
Servers and WS