Could the trailer be hinting at a new game mode?? Sandlot mode possibly like the park in NBA 2K? We will see......

Glad I have early access to the broken Co-op
I agree completely fielding needs a skill gap like pitching and hitting. loved idea of throwing meter you mentioned and wall collisions. Also heard dives have been revamped, the fact I have played this game the last 6 years and have yet to see an opponent complete a diving catch is a problem go check mvp baseball the dive system they used was great and actually useful. The dive system currently is .02% success 99.8% fail. That's a problem.
I like it to cheat to locations like FB in for same sided hitters, I just feel it needs to be expanded farther.
They have the right idea that we want to play with our friends on the same team but the fact we cant play against our friends is wack. Everyone that will play co op will want to play it to play against other friends not randoms.
@Kovz88_PSN Doesn't have to be 9v9 they can do 3v3 like they are already doing the code and servers are already there. You ever play 2k? and if they cant do it they need to be fired its its 2022 not 2002.
Yea and nothing gets changed why?? I think intellectually you my friend living in a fantasy land thinking it will ever get changed.
@Kovz88_PSN Franchise mode don't make money you should have gotten the hint years ago buddy.
this aint madden go back under your rock.
Kovz88 its 2022 nobody cares about offline features go buy a gameboy.
The game still needs a park style game mode. SDS always seems to be 1-2 years behind. Stop spending time on useless modes like march to October. Use the co-op engine and make it like 2k where they have derby fields, mvp baseball batting practice mini game field with tractors and points, wiffle ball 3v3 fields & reg 9v9 fields. have street or baseball type practice clothes from marucci, nike, under armour, pitching ninja shirts & shorts/pants/joggers etc. in a store along with metal bats, batting helmets, Jewlery , Hats throwback and custom dd team. They can drop new gear in the store each week for stubs. They can make bank off this mode which we all know is what they want to do when putting work towards a certain area of the game and March to Failtober aint it.
Trailer (New Mode?)
Co-op issues
I never expect this game to be drastically different and I wouldn’t want it to be, but…
PCI Anchor
Park game mode
Park game mode
Park game mode
Park game mode
Park game mode
Park game mode
Park game mode