I’ve been playing event games and it just is so frustrating knowing your going to lose. You try to power through it but it’s just to try and get stats for prestige cards.

No one complains about content. It’s the game play, hitting , pitching, defense .
Hell you honestly can’t strike anyone out in this years game because the timing window allows 72 fouls balls an inning
The game was amazing before the first patch. Yes pinpoint isn’t perfect but it made the game more enjoyable, plus scoring was like actual baseball , not the homerun derby it has once again became.
The game honestly is rewarding shitty players. I have lost to good players but most of my loses in RS and br are to players who are rewarded for bad pci placement and contact. And yes also due to great control pitchers missing spots on perfect releases
I just lost to a subpar opponent because anything I hit was good okay or good good which is rarely a hit. The opponent gets a just early out in front ball that bounces over my 1st basemen and then the magic hanging pitch on good release. I had 5 perfect perfect and 1 was a hit. SDS you suck and you put out a bs game
Dude that [censored] has been happening to the best players. Why do you think they moved to madden and pga. The show is a joke that rewards early and late more then good contact.
I have no sympathy for cheaters. Most of us play the game and earn our stats. You wanna cheat then you will pay the price
They will never fix it until people just say hey I’m not playing until you provide a game that is a better representation of baseball. I mean homeruns do account for a lot of runs in today’s baseball game but it shouldn’t be the only way you score. Im trying to remember the last time I hit a sac fly to drive home a run
The reality is SDS has made this game to give bad and casual players a chance to win . Unless your a top 50 goon it’s hard for most of us to over come the bs. Ive force myself to play this game because I love baseball
Why is that? Why shouldn’t there hard work be rewarded? If they want to grind on rookie it’s fine. Hell some of the best players grind the cpu on rookie. So your statement is idiotic -
Ok hitting is a joke, a just late okay homerun for Reggie Jackson opposite field in Fenway, but my good squared up with mike trout is an out caught at the base of the green monster. Fielding is hilarious, it’s just like hey here is the ball, bounce off the outfielders
Conquest has been a line out fest for me. I’ll have a game where I score 10 runs then I’ll win 1-0 in extra innings.
My last RS game I just shook my head as I replayed how my high and outside fastball three times went down the middle to gallo twice and Soto once. Good release but the ball went no where near my location. The funny thing is it happened each time after a very late hit.
Ok if you don’t play online your input is honestly worthless. It’s like a person who has never had kids giving advice to people with children.
@Bowlage_Guy said in i quit:
@beanball0571 said in i quit:
Yeap skilled bases when good okays are homeruns but a perfect perfect is an out. Not skill based at all. The hitting is horrendous at this point
Perfect perfect is literally almost always a hit. It's morons like you that persuade the developers to make more changes that break the [censored] game.
Are you insane? Perfect perfect are not always hits. I went 2/7 one game on perfect perfects. And everyone was with a power rating of 80 or higher. Hitting is a joke compared to early release
It really doesn’t matter where you play, it’s homerun or bust anyway. Just in shippett more bs hits are homeruns then in any other park
Pay attention because you will get okay then the next swing could be good good or higher on the same pci location. None of us know what it means other then hitting is broke
Listen SDS won’t admit to their failures on gameplay. Content is so [censored] good this year, but gameplay is in a place that it shouldn’t be.
I haven’t played in two weeks. I’ve played the event , I’ll do the grind to get cards. But mostly I’m doing showdown, I just can’t stand the homerun or nothing aspect of ranked.
My concern with the Show
Something we need to appreciate about this game
' 21 Predictions...
This game is in the worst state this franchise has ever been.
This game is something else....
Dude had two hits and I lost
How long is a ban when the said i was boosting but my name was homerun with bellinger i quit and then he caught the ball
Come on SDS
This game makes no sense
The new Diamond Dynasty blog post is live
Game is not perfect but stfu already
Has Conquest always been this competitive?
Just too many “feels bad” moments each game
I went back to 19
i quit
Why I love Shippett
What's the contact "Okay"
Because SDS... that's why
Who Has Fun Playing RS?