I've never understood why people spend $100 on a game and don't want to take the time to enjoy playing it.
Since I'm playing a baseball simulator, I try to not swing at everything and actually "play baseball" which includes bunting, stealing and looking for pitches. I feel that waiting for a decent pitch to hit gives me a better chance of a better result. I swing at enough bad pitches out of the zone that I don't need to handicap myself by swinging at everything.
The only real issue I'm having is the filters not working in MS. When I set the roster it stays set, I just prefer being able to set squads in one area, and then be able to use it in the other area without having to update it again. If the filters worked it wouldn't be such a pain. I realize you can't please everyone, it's just my 2 cents.
I'm having a hard time enjoying the new mini-seasons programs this year due to how the rosters are managed. Last year I enjoyed setting up my team and rosters in Diamond Dynasty then being able to seamlessly take those rosters into mini-seasons. Now I have to update the MS roster every time I update my DD roster. To make it worse, the filters don't work in MS. Why is this? If I'm playing the TA MS, I want to easily set my own team specific rosters.
This is my second year playing the game, and I only play offline. Last year I hated the moments and the player programs because I wasn't very good at hitting. But I was having fun because I enjoy baseball games and I love a challenge. I kept playing, and now I look forward to the moments and the "other programs". I still love the game and play it whenever I can. But by all means, if you're not having fun, don't play it. It's just a game.
I keep getting, "sorry there was an issue connecting to the server". I've u installed, cleared cache, cleared data, updated, rebooted. WTF
You do get a visual cue, Your shortstop starts running to second base
Obviously I'm a Tiger fan, but it was just a gut punch to see the video of him being released as a Dodger legend. His HR against Gossage in the 84 WS was just a legendary in my eyes. Oh well, I hope they do eventually release a card with him in the Old English D.
Yes, Gibby had an iconic home run for the Dodgers, but he should be a Tiger legend. But I guess the Dodgers need more legends since they have so few.
If your having trouble getting XP fast…
Mini-Season Roster update
Mini-Season Roster update
Can you make the game fun. For people who don't play online.
App seems to be down
A small feature that would be amazing...
Kirk Gibson should be a Tiger
Kirk Gibson should be a Tiger