There are just fewer players that have the outlier perk.

During the commentary and presentation stream before release, they highlighted a feature called Fan Cam, where they added multiple views from a fan's perspective throughout the stadiums. However, I have no clue how to access that view in the actual game.
This video at 31:08 shows off the feature. Has anyone used it? If so, how have you gotten to it?
Yeah, all of the tutorials seem to be glitched.
@theronjvr_psn said in Custom music/sounds:
For years we have been able to upload our own mp3s for walk up sounds and jukebox playlists on PlayStation, but I’m not able to find how to do that in this confusing UI. Hopefully they didn’t eliminate this feature this year, I don’t want to hear the music boxed with the game, but turning everything off makes conquest and other non game times way too quiet.
Sounds of the show is available only on the PS4 version of the game, unfortunately.
@katz94__psn said in Custom stadiums?:
are we able to make domed stadiums or just open air?
No domes, just open air.
You can't transfer from 20 to 21
Did they remove outlier!?
Fan Cam???
Custom music/sounds
Custom stadiums?
RTTS cloud files