It says can’t receive rewards and i haven’t dashboarded, haven’t done anything wrong to get this error message. Like i’ll start one and everything seems fine until the next day were I load it up for the first time since that day i started it and then i receive the error.
@SaveFarris said in Live Series Collection:
Flip for 3 days.
Anyone good to flip at the moment?
@Some_Schmuck_22 said in Live Series Collection:
How long into he game cycle do you plan to play? If you plan to play baseball into the X-Mas season, then you may see rock bottom prices in late the wait worthwhile? A stub sale increases the prices of cards and I guarantee you we will see a stub sale before we see another pack sale.
I play this game all the wall up until the next one so it doesn’t matter if I wait or go for it now to me, I was just wondering what everyone else would’ve done.
I just need the Angels, Astros, Mets and Rockies and 420k do i just go for it or wait till there’s another half off pack sale?
Title is all i’m asking
When do you think there will be more postseason cards in the game?
Is it only me where it feels like you have to smash your controller with a hammer to swing otherwise you check swing?
@ryansitko11 said in Evo Pack F-Up:
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Evo Pack F-Up:
This reminds of the “I picked Kershaw twice because I wanted to sell him” posts from last year.
Every. single. day. You would think the "no sell" icon would give them a hint. Most of them weren't accidental either, they legitimately thought they could sell him
well wasn’t me who thought you could sell em.
@THE_Tomdawg69er said in Evo Pack F-Up:
@ArvxnYT said in Evo Pack F-Up:
@MathMan5072 said in Evo Pack F-Up:
@ArvxnYT said in Evo Pack F-Up:
@MathMan5072 said in Evo Pack F-Up:
@ArvxnYT said in Evo Pack F-Up:
I accidentally picked the same person, is there anything I can do to change it?
Send a ticket to sds. It might take a few days, but Im sure they could fix that for you.
Thank you, looks like I’ll be doing that.
Out of curiosity, who was it?
Eddie, I was gonna pick Cargo.
Should be able to email them and they will fix it. Like the whole thing with Felipe Vazquez last year
Looks like I’m waiting 5 business days.
@MathMan5072 said in Evo Pack F-Up:
@ArvxnYT said in Evo Pack F-Up:
@MathMan5072 said in Evo Pack F-Up:
@ArvxnYT said in Evo Pack F-Up:
I accidentally picked the same person, is there anything I can do to change it?
Send a ticket to sds. It might take a few days, but Im sure they could fix that for you.
Thank you, looks like I’ll be doing that.
Out of curiosity, who was it?
Eddie, I was gonna pick Cargo.
@MathMan5072 said in Evo Pack F-Up:
@ArvxnYT said in Evo Pack F-Up:
I accidentally picked the same person, is there anything I can do to change it?
Send a ticket to sds. It might take a few days, but Im sure they could fix that for you.
Thank you, looks like I’ll be doing that.
I accidentally picked the same person, is there anything I can do to change it?
@mgsfan222 said in 2nd Inning Conquest:
Prospect set 1 and 3 packs. Also some standard packs. There also might have been a headliners pack, but I don’t remember that one for sure:
So there is Prospect 1 and 3 packs through out the map?
What are all the hidden rewards? Does anyone know?
does anyone know if you can get 160 stars without playing the online innings and hits??
Where can you get bat skins other than the 1st inning program and ranked season.
Thanks to SDS for breaking hitting! Was having lots of fun until you broke it. This games not worth my time anymore.
@nflman2033 said in Hitting in DD:
@ArvxnYT said in Hitting in DD:
Is it me or does it seem like hitting got a bit tougher since launch?
Patch 1.04 specifically stated an increase to hitting difficulty in DD.
Didn’t know there was a patch was gone a couple days, Thanks for letting me know
Is there a work around to this authentication glitch
Live Series Collection
Live Series Collection
Live Series Collection
Anyone have a xp breakdown for the prestige path?
Anyone have a xp breakdown for the prestige path?
Postseason Cards
Check Swings
Evo Pack F-Up
Evo Pack F-Up
Evo Pack F-Up
Evo Pack F-Up
Evo Pack F-Up
2nd Inning Conquest
2nd Inning Conquest
Bat Skins
DD CAP Bat skins
Bat Skins
Thanks SDS
Hitting in DD