Maybe consider you're out of touch with reality and just suck at the game. Move on.

Sad day for Cardinals nation.
Well said!
If anyone ever passes thru Arizona and wants to have a beer and talk baseball...I'll gladly buy. Cheers to all the great people on this forum. Happy Thanksgiving all. To our neighbors up north and overseas - Have a great weekend!
@wayman1_psn said in This Game is BAD:
I’m not one to complain but i just lost a game 7-1 where he only got HR that weren’t even in his pci and bloop hits. I had 5 P/P and only one left and pieced a lot of other balls. I just find it unfair that I was not rewarded for any good contact but he was rewarded for a ton of missed pci’s.
Thank you the rant is overWrong.
There were 3 perfect-perfects in your game. All 3 were by your opponent. 2 of them were singles by Thome and 1 was a line-out by Buxton.
Im sorry you're upset by a 7-1 loss you felt you deserved to win, but there's no need to make stuff up.
Im fully convinced sliders are tinkered for online play on a daily basis. I just cant seem to ever find any consistency with how hitting and pitching work. I know i know, "Thats baseball". The game just feels different almost daily. I dont know else to explain it...
I'm not asking for free handout cards or anything. But, I'm genuinely curious who at SDS comes up these moments and says to themselves "Here we go, everyone will enjoy these for sure". Like c'mon man, who TF tests these before they're rolled out? I get it if it's just one out of the bunch but there's multiple player moments that are just flat out stupid considering the player and card attributes.
Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race for the Cure
I'm an IT Support Specialist. I'm the lone IT guy for a building that normally has about 200 people. Currently we have about 50 in the office (the rest wfh due to covid). I just sit around and wait for someone to break their computer basically.
Nobody cares if you spent money or not. You have a nice team. Congrats.
What did everyone have for lunch today? I haven't had Firehouse Subs in a while and got their Turkey Bacon and Ranch club sandwich. Pretty tasty. 4/5 stars. Usually I get the Italian but decided to switch it up today.
This is the way.
Music for today: 80's Hairbands playlist on spotify.
The only time ive ever seen fielding urgency in this game is specifically in this Gehrig moment. The outfielders sure do seem like they are all aware you need extra base hits.....yet in regular games they are just there to collect their paycheck.
@thepapadell said in How do we feel about moments?:
In the two years I've played DD, Moments are by far the least enjoyable time I spend in the game. Everything about them creates negative associations with the game for me and I never find myself really feeling like I spent worthwhile time playing them.
I feel like I could write a novel about how much I hate them.
Starting with the fact that Moments aren't REALLY playing the game. I'm not really interested in recreating something that happened 37 years ago with a slapdick version of a card I'm never going to use. I love baseball. I love the history of the game. I appreciate the historical aspect of Moments and what they're doing. But they are executed so terribly and to see them be such a huge component of the DD experience is beyond annoying and frustrating. With the crazy specific completion goals, ending up playing the Moments that take more than 30 minutes is such a dreadful way to experience this game.
The moments themselves? From the jacked around sliders nerfing every aspect of the game, to the CPU pitchers either blindly throwing the ball into the stands when you need hits or throwing literal dots that you can't even do anything with while never throwing hittable pitches, to the player-lock design that nerfs your ability to actually complete the moment, to CPU runners always on base in front of you (seriously it's awesome that the pitchers are always 5-5 when hitting in front of you) and preventing you from getting XBH....I mean there's just so much to hate. I enjoy a good grind. I don't even feel like moments qualify as a grind anymore. They're just garbage time sinks that pad the DD playtime stats for them to brag about how much people play DD to justify not touching any other aspect of the game.
I don't play DD for this. I want to build my team, acquire new cards and PLAY THE GAME. I don't want to hit 3 XBH with some journeyman catcher that had a random good game in order to earn progress in anything. I don't want to pitch 7 shutout innings at Coors Field with jacked up sliders that make the CPU PCI the size of the goddamn moon.
I wanna pitch with Greg Maddux. I wanna hit Chipper third and hit moonshots with Babe Ruth. In a real game. I don't want to sit and press Square for an hour with Tomas Nido.
They COULD make these more palatable. Why are some moments given the "reach base X amount of times" treatment but most aren't? You know the CPU doesn't throw strikes. Why can't the at-bat reset if we get walked or HBP? Why can't we control the baserunners? Why do kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
To end this giant wall of run-on sentences I'll say this: Last month's Monthly Program was some of the most fun I've had with the game. I started playing last year so the years of stat grinds were before my time. I had a ton of fun loading up my team with players to grind team innings, unlocking a new card, adding that to the lineup and trying to grind stats while trying to figure out the most efficient way to knock out as many as possible. And guess what? I was PLAYING THE GAME. Baseball. That game. Moments are the worst iteration of Pin the Tail on the Donkey ever conceived. I hate them. Showdowns were annoying enough, but having to slog through moments just to get to the slider circus was such an abysmal experience for me personally. I don't have unlimited time to play games. The thought of spending 90 minutes doing lame moments just to get to a mini-mode where my hitting is nerfed and Jesus Christ himself possesses the body of every fielder and makes miraculous catches on every play does not excite me.
If Moments existed in some other form they might be ok. But I'd much rather load my team, grind stats (especially in a "season" format where stats against and for the CPU are tracked and just is a continuous track like RS) and have fun playing the game.
This x1000. Thank you for taking the time to write this. I connected with your response on a spiritual level.
I had runners on 1st and 2nd and hit what I was almost certain a base hit up the middle so I sent the runner.. game froze.. triple play. Ughhhhh.....what!?
FYI in case anyone missed this. I didn't see anything officially announced.
20 stars + 5 packs for collecting Postseason Corey Seager.
My favorite animation is when the pitcher fields a dribbler down the line and turns and throws out 99 speed players with a shot-put style throw with his momentum carrying him the opposite direction. Super realistic.
@phillydave35 said in Bored/6 Million Stubs/4000 packs:
did they up the max on stubs this year? last year i thought 5 million was the max
I think you can technically have more if you have pending orders open on the market. I think you can put up absurdly high buy orders so you have extra stubs floating around. It's basically money laundering but with stubs and you cant get in trouble for it lol. Im sure there's some Marty Byrd's out there doing this.
Astrodome, Kingdome, and Busch 2 would be my personal choices. Although since Sportsman Park is already in i doubt they would add another St. Louis park.
Mover over Billy Wagner...there's a new unobtainable sheriff in town!
There's so many great options and great cards out now...there is no correct answer. Use who you do well with.
This game is horrendous
RIP Lou Brock
This Game is BAD
Has anyone noticed a recent hitting change?
SDS knows their audience
What do you all do for work in the real world
My NMS Superteam
XP Bonus Rewards
Anyone else?
Lou Gehrig 4xbasehits
How do we feel about moments?
Come on SDS...
New 11th Inning Collection
Let’s acknowledge the elephant in the room
Bored/6 Million Stubs/4000 packs
Stadiums That YOU Want to be Added Next Year (Hey, SDS!)
Chipper buy orders
Is Trout, Griffey and Mays...